The Proffitt Podcast

ConvertKit Rebrands to Kit and the Future of Content Creation

Krystal Proffitt Season 1 Episode 462

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Ever wonder what happens when you gather the brightest minds in content creation under one roof? Join me as I recap part one of the magic of my second annual experience of ConvertKit's Craft and Commerce event, a gathering that inspired and transformed me. 

From the major announcement of ConvertKit's rebranding to 'Kit' to my journey rebranding as a 'content therapist,' this episode bursts with exhilarating moments and invaluable insights. (Plus, I spill the beans on my unique conference note-taking method, resulting in a massive 221-page Google Doc packed with screenshots and wisdom.)

Prepare to be motivated by industry leaders like Jen Olmsted and Nathan Barry. Jen's captivating talk, "Don't be the best, be the only," sparked a rethink of my coaching strategy, while Nathan's revelations on audience engagement were genuinely eye-opening. 

I also had an exciting visit to the newly launched Kit Podcast Studios in Boise, Idaho, and I'm thrilled to share the incredible opportunities it offers for creators like you. Dive into the afternoon keynotes from Xayli Barclay, Chennel Basilio, and John Youshei, who shared actionable strategies on leveraging AI, mastering the art of asking, and adapting successful content strategies to elevate your social media game.

We also explore the art of repurposing and reusing content inspired by none other than Queen Bey herself, Beyoncé. Initially skeptical, I discovered the immense value in innovating and adapting existing material to reach a broader audience more effectively.

Balancing authenticity and creativity, I introduce the concept of a "virality meter," inspired by Codi Sanchez, to help gauge your content's potential impact. So, strap in and get ready to embrace creativity, take calculated risks, and remember—every epic journey starts with a single step.

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Krystal Proffitt:

I'm so excited today to report back from my second annual craft and commerce, which is convert kits annual event. Now, they've been putting on this event for, I think, six or seven years, so it's been happening for a while, but this is my second time in a row to attend and it was so fun. Like of all the conferences I've said this multiple times on here it was so fun. Like of all the conferences I've said this multiple times on here this is the one that, yes, it's a little bit pricier than some of the other conferences you can attend, but it is so worth it, so worth it. My mind was blown again. I have new ideas. I have new networks, like people that I've networked with, people that I've connected with, people that I'm connected with, people that I'm going to be in partnership with. I just find so much value in this Plus this year I mean of all the years to attend I have some behind the scene footage for what's to come for ConvertKit, which will soon be Kit. Yes, they are rebranding. I got to watch Nathan Berry announce it live and he got so emotional and it was just so touching and heartfelt to see how much this company, they just really have a passion to help creators like you, like me, and I just want to dive into all the wonderful things that I heard while I was there. So let's get right to it.

Krystal Proffitt:

Welcome to the Profit Podcast, where we teach you how to start, launch and market your content with confidence. I'm your host, crystal Profit, and I'm so excited that you're here. Thanks for hanging out with me today, because if you've been trying to figure out the world of content creation, this is the show that will help be your time-saving shortcut. So let's get right to it, shall we? Hello everyone, crystal, here today. If you're just tuning in for the first time, I'm a podcast coach and content strategist.

Krystal Proffitt:

But while I was at Craft Commerce, I actually rebranded myself like who I am, because I was introducing myself saying like I'm a podcast coach and a content strategist. You know the thing that you do when you go to a conference, and I kept saying it over and over and over again and then I was like, why don't I just introduce myself the way I really want to introduce myself? And when I did, oh, people perked up or they knew immediately what I was talking about. So from here on, I would like to introduce myself as your content therapist, helping you work on your relationship with your content. So if you're burned out, if you hate your show notes, if you don't know if you're doing the right thing with your podcast or you're not sure you have the right strategy for your YouTube or you are a burned out blogger, hi, I am here to help and I am so excited about this new transition and it, like I said, it unfolded when I was at Crafted Commerce and I was introducing myself, like I was getting bored, introducing myself and what I do. But I was like, oh, I'm actually a podcast therapist and people were like, ooh, tell me more, like what does that mean? And it's just a fun new transition. So that's like takeaway Number one is going out and putting yourself in these situations where I don't typically walk up to strangers and tell them like, hi, I'm a content coach, like anything like that. So it was really fun to keep practicing my elevator pitch and saying what I do and who I help and it's a really fun exercise. If you haven't done it, I highly encourage it. But I want to go over.

Krystal Proffitt:

I actually created this humongous Google doc. I mean, let's just I'm going to jump down. It's 221 pages. So what does it say? It's a humongous Google doc. But what it is is I take a ton of screenshots whenever I am at a conference, so like if you scroll through my phone right now, you're just going to see days worth of screenshots. It was only two days. It was a two day conference, but I like to take notes on what someone's presenting and I'm also like I'm taking screenshots and I'm writing notes at the same time. And so last year this is like the format I wish I would have had come prepared with and I'm so grateful that I did. I even shared it out. So if you attended craft and commerce, you're like oh, like I had so many people say thank you so much, crystal, for sending this template, but what it was is like hey, this is like all the keynotes happening here's the main stage talks, here's the workshops that we did, and here's like right Three takeaways or people that you want to connect with after we're done at craft and commerce. And it was really cool to have this just like at my fingertips because it's going to be so fantastic for what we have to share today. So I'm not going to go through like every single thing that I learned, because this episode would be like seven hours, but I am going to give you some of the highest takeaways that I think will be super impactful. So I'm just going to jump down to main stage keynotes.

Krystal Proffitt:

So John Meese is somebody who I hadn't heard of before this, uh, this conference. But it's funny Cause he called out like he's actually all over the convert kit website. So if you're a convert kit user today, you've probably seen his face, Like in some of the templates there's like this one video. Uh, it's like if you go to the landing pages and there's a video template like he's like oh, that's my face, like right there next to Nathan Berry and Nathan Berry's mom, and I was like that is hilarious. So he talked about serving and he actually has a book. Oh, hang on, this'll be fun. So I took his book with me on vacation. I still have not read it yet, john, so I'm so sorry, but I am going to give it a shout out here. So he has a book called serve to sell and everyone that attended craft and commerce this year received a copy of his book. So that's super fun. It says exactly how to sell premium coaching or premium programs with one free coaching call.

Krystal Proffitt:

He had so many great takeaways but at the end of the day, it was all about putting everything out there in a service mindset. Like how can you serve people and not just hi, you want to buy my thing? And that was one of the things that I learned going to craft and commerce last year. People like the quality of people that were there are not hungry and desperate for a sale. Like I didn't meet people that were like hi, nice to meet you, I'm so-and-so, want to buy my product, want to sign up for my thing, want to get on my email list, want to listen to my podcast, register for this webinar that I have? No, no, no, that did not happen and I think that John had the right approach in showing you how to serve to sell. It's getting that opportunity and there were just so many great takeaways. So highly recommend John's book.

Krystal Proffitt:

Like this is number one. Like serve to sell. Do you see how it's not a huge book? Like it's, it's beautiful and it's very, very well done. So kudos to you, john. I'm excited to dive into it.

Krystal Proffitt:

But let's jump down to Jen Olmstead. Okay, so I should have shared this before, but I'm so excited Maybe you've heard about it by the time this video comes out. But, um, I got a new website. I got a new website. I won a giveaway that they were having after you register and you know it's like hey, you know, here's your registration details, by the way, show it. And tonic two different companies are doing this giveaway where you could get a website makeover and I was like, okay, like I don't love my website, like it's okay, like it gets the job done. But I wonder if I could win this thing. And guess what I did? I won, I won. I will have a new website. It will be unveiled very soon.

Krystal Proffitt:

But Jen Olmsted is the founder, one of the founders of Tonic. It's her and her partner, jeff, who they were there. Jeff was so fantastic. I got to chat with him at their booth and I got to talk to Jen. Like I mean, these people are so incredible in what they do. They're both web designers and they create these beautiful templates. Maybe you've seen Amy Porterfield's website for two weeks notice, like where you order her book. Or Jenna Kutcher's website. Or Phil Mickelson like. Or Zaley Barclay, like. All of these people are on Tonic, like that's where their websites are and it's gorgeous, it's gorgeous.

Krystal Proffitt:

But back to Jen's talk, cause she took the main stage and her talk really impacted me and again, I wish I could go through every single one of these in detail, but the thing that I want you to have as a takeaway is what she said. She said don't be the best, be the only. And it hit me like it hit me so hard. I'm like, oh, and this goes back to me introducing myself as a podcast coach and a content strategist, cause that's what I've been thinking. I was like I want to be the best podcast coach and I want to be the best content strategist. And then I was like, but I could be the only content therapist. I could be the only podcast therapist, like the one that is sitting down and marketing to you like, hey, I understand you may have a toxic relationship with your podcast. Come sit by me, grab a fluffy pillow and let's have a conversation. And that's truly what happens behind the scenes with so many of my clients, so many of you that are, you know, in profit podcasting my digital course. It's like we talk about the problems with your content, like the relationship with your content that you are working on, and that, just like it, really hit me like, right square in between the eyes Don't be the best, be the only. And so that was my key takeaway from listening to Jen's talk. But then let's hop down to Nathan's. So Nathan Berry was the next keynote and I'm going to have some really cool like clips and pictures and everything that's up here that you can see in real time if you're watching on the video.

Krystal Proffitt:

But I loved how he was saying the difference between an audience, which is real value, and a crowd, is someone that's wanting to chase views. So if you have a crowd, that's like just people that are standing around. They may not know you from the next influencer or the next podcaster or the next person on YouTube, but they just found you. Like this is what I think about when something goes viral and you're like, oh, I don't even know who that person is, but now you're aware of them, you're part of the crowd, watching their content unfold or watching whatever they're doing, whatever you know they're in the limelight. But when it comes to an audience, like you are connected, you are engaged, like you are subscribed to this YouTube channel or following the podcast, or you're on my newsletter or you're just like man, like what is Crystal doing next? Like that, if you have that curiosity, you're part of this audience, you're part of this community and I loved how he was saying like let's position ourselves to build audiences and not just crowds of people that don't stick around and hang out with us, and I thought that was really impactful.

Krystal Proffitt:

And then one of the other things that I mean we've already kind of talked about it here, but ConvertKit is rebranding to just be Kit and I'll show a few clips of like what this actually looks like from Nathan's talk. But it was so interesting to see this. Like they are going to let the branding of their company unfold like in real time and they're like we're going to rebrand in public and it may be scary but it's going to be really cool and I am so excited about them on this journey. So we'll make sure and have all those clips up here. But the other really fun thing and Nathan spoke and I went to a workshop for a really short and then I was like I'm going to go check these out because y'all, if you live in Boise, idaho, or near Boise, or you can get to Boise sometime soon ConvertKit just opened up excuse me, kit just opened up Kit Podcast Studios in Boise, idaho.

Krystal Proffitt:

This is in downtown Boise. It is gorgeous. I cannot wait for it. We're going to have a video of like my whole behind the scenes tour of what the studios look like and my little stupid recording of myself, like you know, being awkward with my microphone, dropping my camera and doing all the things that I'm doing, trying to function in this beautiful space but being a little overwhelmed with like, oh, this is real fancy in here. But I felt so professional, I was so excited, and if you are a ConvertKit or Kit user, you can check this out for free. So make sure that you are on their regular email list because they are sending out information on how you can book the studios for yourself and you can go and create content in downtown Boise and these fabulous studios there's actually, I want to say there was one, two, three, four. There were four studios, so some that you could do for collaboration, some you could do for solo recording, and then Nathan Berry has his own podcast studio. That's right across the hall from you. So I was watching him and Ali Abdaal do a podcast episode, and then him and John Ushai like I was just like watching this like Rolodex of people coming in recording things and I was like this is really fancy, this is super cool. So shout out to the ConvertKit or Kit. I'm just going to keep saying both of them, I guess until the rebrand officially happens, but congrats to the team, because the space is absolutely beautiful and I can't wait for you to see it. So let's move into the workshops from craft and commerce, because these were really cool.

Krystal Proffitt:

I attended one that was monetization, made simple by Jay Klaus from creator science. If you have not checked out what he does like, I heard him speak on the main stage last year at craft and commerce and I've been kind of connected to other people in the world of the online space who know him and have hung out with him, learned from him for a long time, and I was so impressed with his talk and how it was so simple, but it was like, oh duh, this makes so much sense. So one of the things was he said really, instead of just spattering different random products in your business, how can you take it from an unstructured yeah, I'm going to promote this thing, then that thing, then that thing how can you create what he called a product or an offer ladder? So you're moving people from one end of the spectrum to the other. Maybe it's like your low end offer up to your high end premium offers and what can that look like. And it made me kind of rethink my own funnels of how I get people into the profit media world and maybe they're buying my $27 product or $37 product and how do I get them moving along the journey to be interested in some of the more premium like profit podcasting, like it's a little bit higher ticket, and then my uh, ultimate like way to work with me is one-on-one coaching. So how can I get people interested in just moving along the funnel and not just getting stuck in one place? But let's, let's keep going and let's, let's make this happen. So thank you so much, jay, for opening my eyes to that, because it was really, really helpful and I'll I'll have, like you know, some of the screenshots up here that made a lot of sense and that could really help you when it comes to some of the offer values that Jay had when it came to structuring offers and what that could really look like. But let's move into the next one.

Krystal Proffitt:

So the next one was really fun. So it was the AI tools for social media and what that looks like. And it was with Tom. So shout out to Tom, he's on the ConvertKit social media team and he runs like all the things that they're doing. And he used to be a teacher and the way that he laid out this workshop, it was so helpful. Oh my gosh, it was so helpful.

Krystal Proffitt:

So what he did is like hey, what's your learnings? Like, where do you sit in the AI spectrum of understanding? Like, are you a novice? Are you a little bit more advanced? Are you, you know, a pro? And I feel like I fall in that like mid range of like I'm more advanced than the beginner, but I'm not like the expert, right, I'm not the one talking about large language models and like all the different other pieces of AI, I'm just like no, I know how to use it and I know how it works, but I'm trying to get better. That's where I fall. That's where I fall in the AI category.

Krystal Proffitt:

But one thing that I learned okay, this is the biggest takeaway from this workshop is he had some exercises that was like okay, you know, tell your AI to do this and then do that and then do that. But one thing this is like for anybody that uses chat, gpt or any other like AI models, ai bots where it allows you, you're asking it a question or maybe you're telling it to. Here's the prompt that I use. It was you are a branding and marketing expert and I'm looking for engagement posts for social media, specifically Instagram and YouTube. Tell me which questions I need to answer, but ask them one at a time and allow me to answer them before you ask me another one. That piece it was that piece that blew my mind. I was like, oh my gosh, like the prompting yes, yes, yes. I don't want just a list of 25 questions I have to answer and then I have to go take time and answer one at a time. One at a time Like that's exhausting. That one piece of ask me one question at a time. He actually helped me build out this voice guide like a brand guide for profit media, but it also built out an entire content calendar of engagement posts that I could use on Instagram and YouTube and it was mind blowing. So thank you so much again, tom, for that. It was very, very helpful. And go check out Tom's content all about dads at work from home, like he just launched his newsletter, and all the things that he's doing. So go check it out. It'll be super helpful, whether you're a dad or you're a parent working from home. He has some really great tips. So go check him out.

Krystal Proffitt:

Okay, now let's move into the afternoon keynotes. I know like we're already 20, close to 20 minutes into this and it's like wait, we're just now. We're still on day one, we're still on day one and I'm trying to breeze through these because we had a lot of amazing takeaways. So, zaley Barclay I just she was incredible. Like afterwards I walked up to her and I was like that was so moving and I loved the confidence factor that she gave me, and I'm not someone that struggles a ton with confident or showing up behind the camera. Like this is something I try to teach you and help you. If you still struggle with this and what I'm giving you on confidence just isn't enough, please go follow her. She will give you the tools and the tips that you need to really show up confidently behind the camera. And she broke down some of the bigger influencers in our industry and what they do so well and what she has realized is like okay, what can I do to make this easier for me and be more efficient with it. So very helpful, very helpful.

Krystal Proffitt:

And one of the other things I was looking at my other takeaways. It says post more on social media using the AI content. I got from the workshop with Tom, like this is one thing that I was sitting there, I was listening to what she was saying and I was like, oh, I don't need to just file away these things that I'm learning. It's like no, go back to the workshop that I just did on AI and use Zaley's, all of her tips and Tom's and all the workshop stuff. So that's actually what you're going to see changing here. Um, on profit media stuff for the profit podcast and my YouTube channel. So stay tuned, but go follow Zaley because her stuff was incredible. It was so stinking good.

Krystal Proffitt:

Okay, then we have Chanel Basilio, so this was very interesting. So she has a brand where it's all about. She has looked to see what these professional creators that have done amazing things and found tons of success like what have they done right? And she's studied them and dissect them. I'm talking about data analytics, like getting super, super into the weeds and what people do right and what they do wrong. And what she said was what can change your business. This is the one thing.

Krystal Proffitt:

Okay, the one thing that can change your business is making the ask. Oh, and that hit me so hard, y'all, because I am not someone that likes to ask people for help. Okay, that's, that's me. I don't know if it's the Enneagram three in me, I don't know if it's because I'm a Capricorn. It could be all of the above, but asking for help is one of those things that I really struggle with, and her talk was make the ask. Like that's what so many of these people they have made the ask. Like ask to be introduced to that person that you know could help you take your business to the next level.

Krystal Proffitt:

Ask to be on the podcast that you are scared and you don't know if you're enough and you don't feel like you're expert enough. Like, make that ask. That's all you can do. Like the worst they can do is say no, what are you waiting for? Like this is the thing that I was telling myself while she was talking is what are you waiting for? You need to make the ask. So, if you are in my audience, I'm making the ask right now. Have you subscribed to my YouTube channel? Are you on my email list Like this is me making the ask like let's take this relationship to the next level and be more engaged, be part of my audience and let's really get connected into the community. So we'll have links in the show notes for us to get connected and take this relationship one step further. Because I am making the ask and if you're one of my business besties, one of my business buddies, stay tuned. I have some asks coming your way that will be happening in the next few months that I'm really excited about. So make the ask, even if it's scary, all right.

Krystal Proffitt:

The next one, and this wraps up day one. Y'all, we're on day one. We're going to have to make this a two-parter because this is a lot of information and I do not want to rush through this one because this one was so fascinating. So John Yushai is someone that used to work at Instagram and he used to work at YouTube, and the stuff that he shared, like this, blew my mind and this was a little controversial to me, simply because this is the thing that I have not wanted to do. I haven't, I have not wanted to do exactly what he told me from stage, because I've heard it. I've heard it time and time and time again, from multiple YouTube experts, from all these strategists that say this is what you got to do. You know, to make an impact with your content. I did not want to do it. You know to make an impact with your content. I did not want to do it, but I am going to do it.

Krystal Proffitt:

Okay, and what he taught from stage was this concept of not copy and paste but copy with taste, right, isn't it so? So good, so good, john. I don't know where you got that, if you made that up or whatever, but it was. It was fantastic. Okay, like it was, it blew my mind, it was so good. And I'm actually going to go back up because I have this graphic and I'll make sure and put it in the video. I'm trying to dig through this 222 page.

Krystal Proffitt:

You know document, but it was all about how, like, this concept of copy with taste actually works. And if you're on my newsletter, you know that I wrote about this. But okay, here it is. It says when you copy and paste, you take from one source, you imitate what somebody has done before you and then you take all the credit. That's what happens when you just do a direct copy and paste. But copy with taste looks a little bit different, and what that looks like is blending different ideas from many resources and then elevating the past what has someone done before you that you can do better? And then sharing the credit. And so what he shared on stage, like I said, it totally blew my mind.

Krystal Proffitt:

But it was about Beyonce and how she has reused dance moves, choreography, graphics, effects, outfits, costumes. Like she has reused, repurposed so much of what she does on stage and in her music videos from previous artists. And I've heard the concept and I've read the book Still, like an Artist Like this is a famous, like fantastic book that I think all creators should read, but I've always been against it. I'm like I don't want to do that. I don't want to do that. It feels like stealing, it feels like it's not genuine, it's not authentic.

Krystal Proffitt:

But then I look at the people that have been doing this and how many of them have grown their channels or podcasts or email lists so much faster than I have by doing this one thing. They're doing it. They are copying with taste, and I called it copying and pasting. All the time. It's like oh, they're copying, they're doing the same thing that everybody else is doing, and I'm like I need to do this, I need to try this.

Krystal Proffitt:

So what you're going to see around here is a little blending of looking at viral content in a new light and how we can, you know, manipulate what we're creating and what we're doing by taking things we've already learned and spinning it into something that's bigger, brighter, better for our own audiences, and we've adapted it to our personalities and just made it our own. So I'm excited about this and I hope that you will stick around for the ride, because I have a lot of ideas coming at you. I even have a virality meter, which we're going to talk about whenever we get into day two, because Cody Sanchez is the queen of creating amazing content and she spoke on day two and what she said also blew my mind. So stick around, you're going to have to come back for it. So that was day one of craft and commerce. We're going to make this a two-parter because it's way too much and I'm already almost at 30 minutes of just day one. So I'm going to end this one here today and we are going to come back for part two of craft and commerce 2024, but that's all I have for you today.

Krystal Proffitt:

So make sure you hit the like and subscribe button wherever you're watching and listening, follow the podcast, check out our YouTube channel and make the ask. Like if that's the only thing that you got today. Make the ask, put yourself out there and keep creating amazing content. But at the end of the day, what do I say that I want you to remember? Keep it up. We all have to start somewhere.

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