The Proffitt Podcast

The Power of Patience and Collaboration in Content Creation

Krystal Proffitt Season 1 Episode 463

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Unlock the secrets to resilience and growth in content creation as we recap day two of Craft and Commerce 2024! Hear from Susie Bullock of "Hey Grill, Hey," who candidly contrasts the millennial dream with harsh realities, sharing invaluable practices like mindset shifts, gratitude, journaling, and meditation that have helped her persevere through challenges. Susie's journey is a beacon of hope for content creators struggling to maintain their passion amidst adversity.

Ever wondered about the transformative power of storytelling? Isa Adney, Senior Storyteller at ConvertKit, takes us behind the scenes of ConvertKit’s impactful documentary series, illustrating how sharing authentic stories can unite and uplift the creator community. This segment, coupled with insights from Codi Sanchez, who invested heavily in content creation this year, highlights the importance of collaboration, support, and declaring your dreams—even when the path isn't easy.

Join us as we reflect on Barrett Brooks' eye-opening talk about recognizing our achievements to combat self-doubt and jealousy. We also delve into Mandy Guebler’s bold pivot from TV stardom to her true passion, Happy, Happy Houseplants, reinforcing the importance of following one’s inner voice. 

Wrapping up with a nod to Bonnie Christine's timeless apple tree metaphor and Ali Abdaal's killer YouTube strategies, we remind you that patience and steady growth are essential. Please stay connected with our community by following our podcast and subscribing to our YouTube channel.

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Speaker 1:

Okay, so we are back for part two of Craft and Commerce 2024. I am breaking down all the key takeaways and recapping for you all the things that I learned, and because I shared so much and I barely even got through day one and we were at like 25 minutes I was like we need to break this up. So this is day two, part two of the craft and commerce recap. So let's get right to it. Welcome to the Profit Podcast, where we teach you how to start, launch and market your content with confidence. I'm your host, crystal Profit, and I'm so excited that you're here. Thanks for hanging out with me today, because if you've been trying to figure out the world of content creation, this is the show that will help be your time-saving shortcut. So let's get right to it, shall we? Okay? So I explained in the first part. You know all about the big key takeaways and all the things that I learned at Crofton Commerce from day one. Now we're moving into day two and I want to share some of the things that I learned, but I'm just going to dive right in because, again, so much to share.

Speaker 1:

So the first one was Susie Bullock. So she has the brand called hey Grill, hey. Which is so funny because my good friend, christina Linkowski, who is, like she's, local in Boise, she had said oh my gosh, I'm so excited about this. My husband is obsessed with hey Girl, hey. And I was like what I know? Like, let me just say this I thought she was saying hey Girl, hey, and I was like your husband is obsessed with this. And I didn't even tell Christina this because I was too embarrassed to admit I was mishearing her. Until Susie gets on one stage she introduces herself and it's hey grill, like G-R-I-L-L. I was like, oh, now I get the brand. Now I understand why her husband's obsessed. Christina, I apologize for being an idiot and not understanding what was going on, but anyway, susie had an incredible talk. She actually brought me to tears with her story about the millennial dream versus the millennial reality. So she shared up there and I'm a millennial myself and so a lot of the speakers you know hearing them. You know some of them were younger, some of a little bit older, but we all kind of hit around the same age range. So if you're in your late to mid thirties or your early forties, like that's where the average person was that attended this conference and what she set up there. Like I said, it just moved me so much.

Speaker 1:

She was talking about the millennial dream that we were sold. Right, you get good grades in school, you go to college, you get a good job, you find a good partner and you stay with the same company and retire and then, like, all of your dreams come true, right, it's kind of like the Disney princess thing. It's like, you know, we're sold this idea and it ended up becoming like it is our nightmare. It's really. It's really just a nightmare at the end of the day, because it's really freaking hard to, you know, go to school, find the right job and then not have a ton of debt Like student loan debt is one of those things. It's like, oh my gosh, like that could be crushing and really really hard on someone with a brand new job or even a brand new relationship, and then you throw kids into the mix, like it could just be so fricking stressful.

Speaker 1:

And so hearing her on stage talk about mindset One of the things was, you know, resetting your mindset. Like what does that look like? And she talked about her own, like gratitude, practice and journaling and meditation and working out, and I was like, okay, yes, yes, yes. These are things that I do on a regular basis, but it's also one of those things that, oh yeah, that's why I haven't fully burned out. When people ask me, how have you been doing this since 2018? How are you still going? Like you don't have millions of followers, you don't have a bajillion dollar business, how do you keep doing this? Like, why, why do you keep showing up? And I go back to it is those practices, like I journal every day and I do the whole gratitude thing, like even as you know, cliche or overdone or over exaggerated, whatever you want to say about it like those things really ground me every day and they remind me why I keep showing up and creating my content. And so hearing her say that from stage and her having this huge, successful brand she had this great picture of her in shack Like she said that she she did a Thanksgiving turkey for Shaq one year and I'm like, wow, who knew that I would be listening to someone stand on stage that has cooked a turkey for Shaq. That's really freaking cool. But all of it comes from her changing her mindset and refocusing her dreams, refocusing her priorities on what could work for her and her family and turning that into a new dream for her. So, susie, huge fan already. Thank you so much for sharing this message because it was so awesome. Oh my gosh, it was. It was so good.

Speaker 1:

Then we went into Issa Adney. So Issa works at ConvertKit. She's a senior storyteller and she has won so many awards. So if you follow ConvertKit's YouTube channel or you've seen the different documentary series that they've done, like you know, I'm a creator, like there's ones where they follow around musicians, artists, like different people that are in the ConvertKit community, and Issa has done a lot of the production, directing storytelling behind the scenes.

Speaker 1:

And her story again, I don't know what it was about day two. I don't know if we were all just tired, but I mean I got emotional. I got emotional on day two but she talked about candle choices and I'd never heard of this before. So I don't know if she had made this up herself or if this is like out in the ethers in some other form. But what she talked about was her story about not getting into Harvard and that's actually when she realized that she wanted to be a writer and it was so profound that she wanted to be a writer and it was so profound and it was such like such a moving talk that it's one that, even if I try to recap the whole thing, that she said I wouldn't get it right, but having her candle choices was really cool. So what it says is one change your dream or change your timeline. Oh my gosh, change your dream or change your timeline.

Speaker 1:

This one really hit me and I really wanted to bring it back to this audience, because I think so many of you start your podcast or you start your YouTube channel, you get going in your content and you have a timeline on it and the timeline is usually immediately. You have a timeline on it and the timeline is usually immediately it is. You want to start your podcast and immediately be a success. You want to get your YouTube channel up and immediately have 5,000 subscribers, 10,000 subscribers. Or you want to start your email list and you want to have a hundred people on it, like as soon as you launch it.

Speaker 1:

And I think back to one of the things that, when I look at my timeline of all the things that I've done, all the cool opportunities that I've had, the things that are on there, weren't ever part of my dream. They were never part of my timeline because I wasn't even dreaming that big. I wasn't Like to say that. You know, I've had Instagram lives with Marie Forleo multiple times this year and had a chance to hang out, like with her and her team and have conversations about what it's like to be an entrepreneur and how she's created content for MarieTV for so long. Like that wasn't on the timeline. That wasn't being chosen to speak at Ramsey Solutions influencer event in 2021 and making it to the top 10. That wasn't on my timeline. Having an Amazon bestselling book this was not on my timeline. This was never even there. My timeline was I want to start a podcast in 2018. And now here we are in 2024 and so many things have changed.

Speaker 1:

So I agree with Issa like change your dreams or change your timeline. Maybe that's what you need to do. So you find yourself frustrated right now for the goals that you've been trying to achieve and you just don't. You're like I don't know how to make this work. I don't know how to change this or do something different. Then change your dreams or change your timeline. Maybe that's what you need to do.

Speaker 1:

And then the second one is share when you're stuck. This one's hard too right. So for me, I will share my mistakes all day. This is what I did. I did something so stupid you know, it's like even you know talking about Christina earlier and I thought it was hey girl, hey, and it was hey grill, hey, I don't know, I needed to get some Q-tips to clean out my ears or something. But that's a mistake and I will happily share that. Like, oh my gosh, like what an idiot, so silly, like I'm all about the self-deprecating humor of oh, I will tell you, everywhere I have messed up. But when I'm stuck that's the part Again. We talked about this in part.

Speaker 1:

One is like making the ask is really hard for me, so even asking for help when I'm stuck is really hard. So I'm challenging myself to get out of that like stickiness and get unstuck by asking for help. So that's where I am, that's where I am, and I've worked with a coach in the past and if you find yourself like I don't know who to ask for help, well then you know, let's reach out, let's have a conversation. Maybe I'm not the person that I should be helping you with something that's, you know, really complicated in your business or in your life, but I have lots of cool recommendations. I can tell you that I've met so many incredible people along the way and I'd love to pass you to those people, because that's what I needed last year. I needed a coach, I needed to get unstuck myself. So share when you're stuck or you're in the messy middle.

Speaker 1:

And then the third candle choice that she shared was declare your dream in the hospital room. And so what this looked like is she shared a story of someone that was in an unfortunate situation and they found themselves in a hospital room and it was probably one of the worst days of their life. But in that moment they shared and declared the next amazing thing that was going to happen to them, like declared it, owned it and just called it out Right, like what is that dream? And I think that this happens often. When we have those big life moments you know whether it's a happy or a sad moment or whatever is going on in your personal life, like that's usually like the the come to Jesus moments, when people are like wait, like what's happening. And then you have this like well, I could keep going on the same path or I could do something different, or I could change, you know, direction, change course, change your path, and I just love this. So declare your dream in the hospital room. So declare your dreams. What are they? Even if they're big, even if they're scary, like what is your dream? Say it out loud. Say it out loud to someone today, that's. That's another challenge for you is like say your dream out loud to someone today and see what happens. So thank you, issa. Like fantastic.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to have to link to some of the previous docu-series that she's done because they are incredible. So I teased this in the first. Like part one, cody Sanchez, she blew my brain, like she. She blew my brain. Maybe that's probably not the best analogy, but she blew my mind, like totally blew my brain. Like she, she blew my brain. Maybe that's probably not the best analogy, but she blew my mind, like totally blew my mind. And I actually don't even have all of the notes. I'm getting my iPad out. So this is what I use. When I was at the conference, I was like typing furiously on my iPad and it is something that I just it's the thing that really helps me stay organized. And so I'm going to pull up what she said and I will make sure that I share what exactly what I'm looking at. But I want to go to Cody's stuff and, like I said, like we could just keep scrolling, scrolling, scrolling I took so many pictures while everyone was talking but what she said and I'm going to actually put some clips in in this video because I'm going to actually put some clips in in this video because I think they were super important how much money do you think that her and her business have spent on social media this year?

Speaker 1:

Maybe you don't know who Cody Sanchez is. I found her about six months ago and I am just like where did this force of nature come from and how is she producing all of this content? Like, holy crap, right, it is so much she started out with. I've spent $2.9 million on content in 2024. This far, 2.9 million on content. That's how much she spent on it, not earned. It's not how much she earned. How much she spent on content this year 2.9 million Y'all. This event happened in June. That's the first six months of 2024. And she said she spent $2.9 million on content.

Speaker 1:

So that, in and of itself, showed me a few things. It showed me that one she's not doing this by herself, like she even said, she has data strategists, she has content people Like, she has videographers, she has all the people following her taking these clips, editing it like, making it fantastic. And that just made me like go, because she's been one of those people that I followed and I'm like, oh, she must just have her iPhone and she's holding it up and it looks great and she's got all the angles and she's doing this all herself. No, she is not. She is not doing this all herself. And it was so relieving for me to see that. I don't know why, but I needed to hear that. My brain needed to hear that this woman was not creating all of this content herself. Because then I was like, okay, thank God, because I was holding myself up to this impossible standard that I thought she was doing all these things. But I'm going to share some clips of some of the things she said. Gets a little racy, gets a little dicey. She said some F-bombs from stage, which was fantastic. They were so well played.

Speaker 1:

But at the end of the day, one of the biggest key takeaways was one that it says here. It says make your day into content or make your day having to make content, and so it's still like the same age old story that we've heard from like Gary V, where it's you need to document, don't create. And it's so true, it's so true. That's like me sitting here with you today, like recapping this conference. Part of it is, oh, I needed to go back and revisit the content and read through it and you know, see, like, what are the action items that I told myself I would be doing. Like, this is me documenting this along the journey, and I think it's really important that we continue to look at things that way. So document, don't create. Make your day into content or make your day having to create content so fantastic.

Speaker 1:

Cody was fantastic, and she also shared her virality tracker. Oh, y'all this was so good. And I actually went and I copied the whole thing and I'm going to share on the screen exactly what it looked like, because her and her team created this in notion Hang on one second, cause I'm going to find the right one, and so what it says is it's all about preparation beats production. So this is, this is another one, this is like her content approval one, so I'll leave that up on the screen so you can see it and see, uh, how her and her team create content, screenshot it, copy it. Go copy with taste right, not copy and paste. But I want you to go and see exactly what they do. But she says kill your darlings. And I love this. I don't know if Stephen King, who wrote this the first time that was one of the first times that I heard kill your darlings was. He has his book all about it's called on writing and that's exactly what he talks about. He's like about it's called on writing and that's exactly what he talks about. He's like you got to cut the crap, like cut the bad stuff and only make stuff that is really good. And so her editing pipeline and like the virality tracker and all the things like so helpful. I love this behind the scenes. And, of course, she talked about buying businesses and all these things that she spoke so fast. I would not have been able to, just like Issa, I wouldn't have been able to recap everything that she said in this talk, but it was fantastic. If you're not following Cody Sanchez, go follow her because she was incredible. All right, let's move into the day.

Speaker 1:

Two workshops, because this is one that I'm really excited about. So I'm actually in the process of unveiling my brand new quiz. So the workshop I attended was called how to Make a Lead Generation Quiz for your Business. I've done quizzes in the past and I want to give a shout out to Damaris because she's the one that led the workshop, along with Josh, who's the founder of Interact, so Interact, tryinteractqu. Founder of uh, interact, so interact, try, interact quizzes. Try interactcom. Uh, this is what I've used in the past and it didn't work for me because I think I didn't have the right structure set up and I didn't have the right information to really target who I was trying to reach with this quiz that I did. And so, uh, I sat through and I did their new AI, like it's incredible. So go to tryinteractcom forward slash AI. And it's amazing. I built my quiz in five minutes. So I have the whole shell of it totally finished and now I'm just working on tweaking it and putting my branding, my style, like hooking all the things up to my website and you know, convert kits connected, like all those things. But I did this in five minutes, literally five minutes to build a quiz, and this took me probably five days in the past to have at least like even getting to the point where I am after just the first five minutes. So highly recommend interact. They have fantastic quizzes and I think that they have tools to make it really fun. So go check them out, all right?

Speaker 1:

The next one was Barrett Brooks' talk. So Barrett used to be I think he was the COO at ConvertKit a few years ago and he now does his own coaching and consulting. I was not supposed to be in his talk. Okay, I was looking for another workshop. So I was looking for this SEO one. It was all about SEO and AI and, um, I was talking to someone and walking in and I was just like, oh wait, like this, this is not the right room, but it's starting, so I'll go sit down. His workshop was all about people that are way further ahead in the game than me, like people that already have millions, like Allie Abdal was like in there, like chilling. Like Charlie Pragley, like she was sitting there like right behind me, and I was just like, oh, these are for the big players and I felt a little out of place. But I was exactly where I needed to be because and I walked up to Barrett afterwards and I don't know him personally and I had never really even heard him talk and I walked up to him afterwards and I said I needed to hear this because of one thing that you said so and I wrote it down. And he says you've already made it to where most people will never make it. And when he said that and it, just even thinking about it again makes me a little emotional.

Speaker 1:

I have this problem with comparing myself to other people. Right, it's like I don't have a big enough podcast, my YouTube channel isn't huge, my email list is small, like I have all of these comparisons that I'm constantly battling in my head. You call it jealousy, call it envy, and it's like I have to again work on those meditation, gratitude practices, like other mindful things that I need to do to be like no, no, no, quiet that voice down, like, tell it to shut up and go away. But I sat there in that room and I was like, oh, I'm still one of the first kids in my family to ever go to college and graduate. I, my brothers and I were the first ones in my family to go to college and graduate. That's pretty shocking. Like when I sat there and I sat with it like all that other BS, like melted away, it really did Like it just totally melted away.

Speaker 1:

It was like all the jealousy and envy and looking at other people and wanting to have you know, grass is always greener on the other side Like I want, I want that thing, I want that thing. And then I was like, wait, but you are already. You've already made it to where most people will never make it and if you're watching this, listening to this right now, you are probably in that same boat. It maybe has nothing to do with your education or college or anything, but you've put yourself out there or you're trying to. You're trying to put your podcast out there, you're trying to publish your YouTube channel, you're trying to post content regularly on social like. You're doing the thing that most people will never do and that's pretty amazing. And I just want to give you a shout out like virtual hug. I want to give you like high five, like that's incredible. And we need to sit and acknowledge the things that we're doing so well already, because most of us don't pause enough to really sit in that and say, oh yeah, I'm kind of doing the thing that I always wanted to do and I'm really loving it. So there's that message I'm going to like okay, we talked about all kinds of other cool stuff, but that was the number one takeaway we needed from Barrett All right, now the main stage talks the afternoon.

Speaker 1:

So Mandy Goobler she also had me in tears, but she talked about committing to the pivot. So she had this opportunity to create shows on the Magnolia Network you ever heard of Chip and Joanna Games and she pivoted and walked away from that and instead has something called Happy, happy House Plants. And I'm like, wait, what Hang on? What happened? You went from renovations and fixer upper like type shows to now you, you sell houseplant products Like you sell neem oil for plants. What happened? Like where was the transition?

Speaker 1:

And so what she talked about, was this really just deep knowing and you know I don't always talk about like um, intuition. I know I try to talk about like that deep intention that we'll have. It's like, oh, you know you got to listen to that voice inside of you, but her speaking on stage and talking about this opportunity that she walked away from and having the perspective to really truly listen to that voice that's inside of you, even if it's weird, even if it's awkward, even if everyone is telling you what are you doing? Like, this is the opportunity of a lifetime. You could work with Chip and Jojo, like, what are you doing? And she said, yeah, but that's not the thing. That's not the thing that will fulfill me, that's not the thing that will make me happy, and I am burned out. I'm at my peak in this one thing and I'm ready to make a pivot to you know, make a difference. And oh, it was so good, so happy, happy houseplant. You have to go check it out because it was so stinking good, so stinking good. Oh, like, just, I can't get over all the incredible people that spoke this year, but we have two more speakers we got to get through. So, bonnie, christine, bonnie spoke last year at craft and commerce and the big takeaway that we had, or I had, and I had to come back and tell my husband because it was so good.

Speaker 1:

So she talked about the apple tree metaphor. So this was her speaking about her own gardening experience and you know, if you follow me on Instagram, you know that we've recently become obsessed with gardening and she talked about having this apple tree. So she planted it. She watched it grow. She was like, oh my gosh, it's going to bloom, it's going to be amazing. Look how big. I have this huge apple tree. It's like you know, a few years old now. It's not bearing any fruit, none whatsoever. She's like why is this not working? Why is this not happening? And somebody shouted it like from the crowd and she was, you know, asking like who knows why, who knows why this wasn't happening? You have to have two, you have to have a pair, you have to have a cross pollination. So I know that this is true for apples, I know it's true for avocados. Like I could plant I'm actually growing avocado trees right now and I had heard someone had told me it was like well, you have to have two, you can't just have one, you have to have two.

Speaker 1:

And so Bonnie's talk was saying you can't just create content, you should also teach. So she was talking about bringing in that education piece. So when people come to me and say I just want to talk about whatever I want to talk about, I'm like that's great, but also you need to have something of value. And the education content piece is really one of those secrets to where you can monetize a lot faster, because you can sell things when you teach things. You can sell courses, you can sell books, you can sell, you know, whatever digital products that you're wanting to create, and so bringing in that element of not just creating the tree, planting the tree and putting it in the ground, that's your content, but you got to have that education piece too. So you need to have the pair together creating content and educating because that could be the beautiful blend that you're looking for to really have your content shine and succeed. So, thank you, bonnie, and, as always, her slides were absolutely gorgeous. They were so well put together.

Speaker 1:

But for the grand finale, the main event, ali Abdaal, was hilarious, like, can I just say that, like? And I knew who he was and I'd seen some of his content here and there. But, oh my gosh, his story was fantastic. He was a doctor and then he decided like hey, why, why, why am I doing this Like a doctor? And then he decided like hey, why, why, why am I doing this? Like, why don't I start like putting out this productivity and like educational type content? Speaking of educational content, right For people to help them live a more productive life and help them get more done, achieve their goals and just create this content. That was really fun for him and he has blown up Like he has so much incredible resources on his YouTube channel and just all all the other different things that he's doing. Plus, he was in that workshop where I was like, oh my God, like I, I just have a college degree. I'm here, yeah, I'm sitting in the room with literal doctors while they're doing stuff, and that was a Lee and it was just really cool.

Speaker 1:

So he also talked about writing videos and how he creates content for YouTube. So I want to like go through a few of these real fast, cause he like he put a system in a framework around it which he called the three S's so systems, strategy and secret, so the systems. He talked about mapping out the video creation process and what that looked like. So he does the reverse of what I do and I was like, oh, this is where I need to change things, because I've always started with the idea of like planning and you know we write the thing and do all the thing, and then I'll, you know, create the show notes, like, do the title, do the description, do the thumbnails and all that stuff afterwards, and I needed to flip the model on its head. So what I needed to do that Ali was already doing is taking the titles, the thumbnails, like doing all that research, then creating the content. So people that have the title already worked out, the thumbnail already created, before they even create a YouTube video or they create a podcast episode. That's where we're flipping things on their head and I hope that you'll come along with me in this journey and experiment, because I think it's going to make a really big difference. But it's all about the concept. So it's the viral replication, copying the title and thumbnail of someone else.

Speaker 1:

Again, copy and taste came up so many times whenever a copy and taste copy with taste from John Ushai, um, but it was all about um writing. Or when you're creating the videos, to limit what you're going to say, keep it to three to five things. Okay, it doesn't need to be like. This video is, you know, 75 minutes long If you put it all together, like as a really long video, every video doesn't need to be that long, but keep it short.

Speaker 1:

And then he talked about, uh, filming. He feels awkward filming by himself. He didn't like recording solo, so he literally have someone come and sit behind the camera asking him questions to create the content. So it is more conversational, like there's an actual human being on the other side of the camera while he's talking, to help him make it more conversational. So again, do what works best for you. So that's part of the strategy piece and then or that was part of the systems piece. Then the strategy piece is um, he talked about some books that he really loves. He loves a million dollars, $100 million secretscom secrets by Russell Brunson. Uh, the other one. The first one was from Alex Hermosi uh, bought back time or buy back your time book, how to do things right and which things to do. These are just the things that he learned that were really, really helpful to him. And then the secrets. At the end of the day, the secrets are what you have is awesome for creating content and I know that sounds really cheesy and I know that's not exactly what he said, but I think it comes back to.

Speaker 1:

The secret is balance, and what you have is what you can do with what you've got right. For me, what I have is I have my work, I have my health and I have my relationships, and we did this like meditation exercise, which was like where do you see these things six months from now? And I thought about where I want to be in my business. I thought where I want to be in my health and where I want to be in my relationship with my husband, with my family, with my kids, and it was so helpful. And I feel like that is the secret is constantly looking at what is the life that you're designing and what does that look like for you. Not what everyone else is doing, not what someone else says you should have or should want, but what can you do to really feel more fulfilled in what you're creating and what you're doing in your content and in your business. And if you could just help one person in your content and in your business, and if you could just help one person, what kind of an impact would that have for you?

Speaker 1:

So that is a recap of 2024, craft and commerce, part two. Like, so impactful, so incredible. I'm going next year a hundred percent. Grab your ticket, cause I will. I will meet you there. I will meet you there. I will be in the front row. Everyone laughs at me because I get in the front row. I don't care, I love it. I'm front row, joe, that's where I'm sitting. I'm camped up there Like they know that. I'm sitting in the front, like I feel like I should make like a reserve for crystal profit, because that is where I sit every single year. It's same chair, same place every time, every session, and I love it so much.

Speaker 1:

So thank you for going on this journey with me, this long-winded recap, and if you have any questions about craft and commerce, let me know. If you have any questions about ConvertKit, I would love to try to answer them. I'm not promising that I can answer all of them, and I need to say kit right, because they are rebranding, they're in the process of making that happen. But yeah, let me know if you have any questions. But that's all I have for you. So make sure you are following the podcast, you're subscribed to the YouTube channel and you're hanging out with us. You're part of this audience, you're part of this community and, as always, remember, keep it up. We all have to start somewhere. You

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