The Proffitt Podcast

Navigating Entrepreneurship: Two Decades in the Making

Marie Forleo Season 1 Episode 466

Send Krystal a Text Message.

 Have you ever wondered what it takes to experience a "pinch me" moment with one of your mentors? Join me for a chat with one of my mentors, Marie Forleo. If you had told me in the humble beginnings of my online business in 2018 that I'd interview Marie not once, not twice, but three times in one year...I would've called BS!

Tune in to hear about the dynamic setup of our latest Instagram live chat; you'll get more insight into the BTS of our conversation. Marie shares insights into her transformative B-School program while using her hair routine as a metaphor for the often messy entrepreneurship journey.

Throughout this episode, we celebrate two decades of entrepreneurial success stories, each filled with joy, play, and growth without the pressure. Discover how timeless principles and tools have helped over 80,000 individuals from diverse backgrounds achieve financial freedom and make a significant impact.

We also give a special shout-out to our listeners, including Elizabeth from New Jersey, reminding everyone to keep pushing forward. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned entrepreneur, this episode offers a comprehensive roadmap to unlock your full potential and achieve extraordinary success.

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Speaker 1:

If you would have told me back in 2018, when I was first getting started with my online business, trying to figure out all the different things that I want to do and looking up to the different mentors that have just really made big strides and changes in my journey, and you would have told me hey, Crystal, one day you're going to get to interview Marie Forleo multiple times in one year I would have said you're full of crap. Like, what are you even talking about? And so I just wanted to have one of those like pinch me moments. I always say pinch, not pinch, and my husband makes fun of me. So I just wanted to have one of those like pinch me moments. I always say pinch, not pinch, and my husband makes fun of me, so I just had to throw that in there for him, even though he doesn't listen to this podcast. But you know, it's like one of those little Easter eggs just for me That'll make me laugh. But it was definitely a pinch me moment. This week, when I get to hang out with Marie on Instagram. We did an Instagram live together. She's in the middle of her. You know she does this twice a year. She's in the middle of a B school launch, which is her program, and we talk about it.

Speaker 1:

But the things that she said at the end of this interview I was not prepared for. I went back and listened to it and was like, oh my gosh, did that really just happen? Did she say that? I don't know if you've ever done this. When you finish a webinar or you're going live, you're doing something. I literally skipped out of my office. Whenever I was done, I hit the end end. You know, press the end button. It's like when you're walking off stage and you just did something really cool and you take like a second to just say, yes, I nailed it. Or high five, the crew that's coming off stage. Or you like give a big hug to your bestie or whoever's in the wings, like hanging out with you, Like that's what it felt like when this conversation ended. It felt just so good, such a fun accomplishment. And I mean, if you've wondered about Marie Forleo and who she is, what she's all about, then I encourage you. You can actually go watch this. This is gonna be. It's on my Instagram, it's gonna be pinned at the top of my profile, but we're also gonna have a YouTube video showing the behind the scenes of this too. So if you wanna see how I recorded this, make sure you check out the YouTube video when it comes out. But, without further ado, here is my conversation with Marie Forleo. Let's get right to it.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Profit Podcast, where we teach you how to start, launch and market your content with confidence. I'm your host, Crystal Profit, and I'm so excited that you're here. Thanks for hanging out with me today, because if you've been trying to figure out the world of content creation, this is the show that will help be your time-saving shortcut. So let's get right to it, shall we? We are live, we are hanging out and welcome everyone. This is going to be so much fun.

Speaker 1:

I'm really excited about today's conversation and, because I know this audience loves a quick behind-the-scenes, I actually want to tell you exactly what I did to set it for today's chat. So I have a camera over here, because you know I love to get a good content shot. I have actually uh, I'm trying out my new road microphone that I have. So this is my wireless you know wireless mic that's connected to my phone, and I have my iPad over here. So we actually have three different cameras because I know y'all love nerding out with me behind the scenes, but I'm going to get to the main attraction because I have a very special guest today. This conversation is going to be so much fun, so much fun. So hang tight, we are going to get everybody. Hi, how are you? It's so good to see you.

Speaker 2:

Crystal Hello.

Speaker 1:

I know it's so good to see you and I just I just have to say I know this is like your signature trademark, but your hair, I mean I know you get comments all the time about your hair Like I just I can't get over it. It's just so. It's always. How long actually I have to like go back for a second for your book tour in 2019. I had to pull Gregory aside and I was like you're a master, like you're a mastermind, like you do incredible job with Marie's hair and I just so I just want to give a quick shout out to Gregory behind the scenes doing amazing work for your hair.

Speaker 2:

I'll tell you the um, the other masterful element behind the scenes. This is very dirty hair, so I took a dance class this morning and it's the summertime and I'm going to go to the beach and go in the ocean later. So this is the result of many days of not doing anything to it besides getting really sweaty and salty.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I love it. I love it. That kind of sounds like a fantastic segue into what we came here to talk about today, because can entrepreneurship be? I mean, what a fantastic way to describe the journey of entrepreneurship. And just being an online business owner, you got to get a little sweaty and at times you're going to have to be a little salty with yourself. That's actually how I want to go into today's conversation, because we're here to talk about. You know, you have B-School going on, which you know if you're watching this, then you know that summer session is just coming around. And when I think about salty, I think about spicy and a little bit of just energy. And I just want to know, like, where are you today, like in your journey of you know you've been in business for two decades like helping business owners the ups, the downs. Like, where are you today, in your mindset, with your business?

Speaker 2:

So I feel like we are in the era of a lot of joy and play and expansion, but expansion without pressure, expansion without a sense of like. If this doesn't work, you know what I mean. It is really, for me, about like, how can I take all the things that I've learned, all of the timeless principles, the tools, the wisdom, the understandings that I've been able to collect over these years, and share them in a way that helps other people get results? Because I am so grateful, like today, when I was just dancing this morning and I was on the dance floor and I'm like, I'm grateful for my legs, I'm grateful for my body, I'm grateful for my lungs, I'm grateful for this moment to be alive and to be here, and that also includes all of the flops and the mistakes and the hard times and the things I've learned.

Speaker 2:

And, for most of us, when you feel really full, what you want to do is you want to share it, and so I've been doing that for a really long time.

Speaker 2:

But in terms of like, okay, where am I at now?

Speaker 2:

A couple decades in, it feels more joyful than ever to be able to say, hey, if you want these kinds of results, if you want to create financial freedom for yourself, however you define that.

Speaker 2:

If you want to use your God-given gifts to make a difference to other people in the form of products, services, information, any combination thereof, if you want to be free to travel the world or live in different places, like all of these things are so possible and they're so possible for you. But most of us need a bit of a roadmap, because it can sound like a pipe dream or it can sound like it's you know what I mean Like some kind of you know who knows, like something that's not really real or a false promise. But having helped over 80,000 people start and grow businesses, and watching so many folks from every different country and territory, different age ranges, different backgrounds, all walks of life, create them for themselves, I'm like this is so possible. So I just I want the people who are willing to show up, to access their potential, to put in the consistency in the work, and they're going to get there, like I have no doubt.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and this is when I mean this is such a beautiful thing about you know, following you, following your journey. I've been a you know, a MF insider since 2018. And I've been following like I took B school in 2019. And I always tell people that it's the program that keeps on giving. Like I go back through it and actually I was looking at all the bonuses that you have like in the program. That's like the secondary right, it's like the third tier reason why a lot of people join. But then I look at them and I'm like, oh, I forgot, I have access to all these PR strategies, all these website tips and tricks, lead magnets, like all these things that I don't think about.

Speaker 1:

Whenever I was first starting my business, I felt so overwhelmed with, okay, I just got to get a website up and running or I got to get my podcast started, and so it is just the gift that keeps on giving. But one thing that you said that really it's what I admire so much about. You know all of Team Forleo and your idea of it's not just about the money, because you don't sell this idea of come follow up, come hang out with us, we'll help you get a bajillion dollar business. It's like oh no, we're going to help you develop a plan, a strategy, a business to really enjoy your life, enjoy your business and make the most out of it. So of all of your grads, I just want to know, like, can you like pull out, like just cherry pick, a few of the fun stories that you have from the B-School success?

Speaker 2:

Because I know there's literally thousands, tens of thousands. Yeah, I think there's two that I want to highlight because it speaks to really. You know, when most of us are starting something new, especially starting a business, nine times out of ten we're not in the best place. Nine times out of ten there's something painful that's happening in our lives. Maybe we've failed doing a bunch of other things and we've had this little voice inside that said you really need to do your own thing, you really need to go out on your own, you really need to, you know, hang up your shingle, whatever that looks like. Or sometimes there are life circumstances or a stacking of life circumstances that put you in a place where you don't have any other choice than to do this. You know, maybe the option of going back to a job just feels, for whatever reason in your intuitive body and soul, not like the right choice.

Speaker 2:

So I'll tell you a quick story about Stacey Ann. It's probably one of my favorites. So, stacey Ann, mom, three young kids, no college degree, and she would watch the show. She'd watch MarieTV, the Marie Forleo podcast, read our emails, all that good stuff, and on our show, the way I close it, I always say the world needs that special gift that only you have. And Stacey Ann around the holidays she would make these handmade felt ornaments Christmas ornaments, holiday decorations and she was selling them on Etsy and eBay just to make a little extra cash for her family, right? So her husband was the main breadwinner and she was primarily home with her children. Then the unthinkable happened and her husband suddenly and tragically was killed in a motorcycle accident. And he here. She was no college degree, no way to support herself and her family in the depths of such unthinkable grief and devastation that it like hurts my heart to even think about that. Her family, understandably, because they love her, was telling her Stacey Ann, you need to go get a job. You have these beautiful three kids. Like we need to create a new plan for your life. This was unexpected, but this is how we're going to find security for you. And Stacey Ann kept having my voice in her head and she kept having her own intuitive voice say you need to do something with this little side business. And the skeptical part of her brain was like saying to me and she told me this was like Marie, you always say the world needs a special gift that only you have, but ain't nobody need an extra holiday gifts. You know what I mean these little felt ornaments, like that's not a special gift. So she totally, like most of us do, downplayed the thing that she was doing.

Speaker 2:

She took B-School. I never met her in B-School Like she wasn't someone who was very active on. She was. She did the program, she followed all the steps. She did the work. She got the idea that she wanted to start a membership, like a continuity style program that honestly, if she would have come in a coaching call I'd be like I don't know. Felt holiday ornaments and a membership Like I don't know if that can work.

Speaker 2:

Cut to, she turned her little idea into a multi-million dollar business. She moved her family. They have this gorgeous lake house. Her kids are taken care of, she is taken care of. She went against every naysayer, including her family, people who loved her. They were not trying to put her down, they were just nervous for her wellbeing and even her own doubts in her own head. And she is thriving, like I. Again it brings me to tears. So that was one quick story and it really reminds me of this fact that sometimes the most horrific and devastating things happen in our lives that we would never choose, we can never predict. They take us to our knees and in those moments there are often these gifts of insight or inner wisdom, or messages that come through, that lead us on our next step. And so that was one.

Speaker 2:

And then I was thinking about another young woman who, again, I didn't know. We have this thing called the wall of love. It's something new and it's where B-Schoolers can put their stories, you know, whenever they feel to. And there's this young woman. She is Native American, another person I did not work with her in B-School. I had no idea who she was.

Speaker 2:

She wasn't super active in the comments and she wrote this gorgeous story about how, for her, she had so much kind of intergenerational messaging around what she does isn't worthy. It's not okay to make money. You know there were so many layers within her of just and she was saying that she was like you know there was so much conditioning. But I trusted myself. I had been watching your show. I knew there was something in here for me.

Speaker 2:

So she went from not having any money to now she has some program that has like members in 40 different countries around the world. She's all of the things that she ever wanted to create and she's like just releasing so many generational layers for her and her family Again. This is another thing that brings me to tears. Never met her, and it was just like so many stories like this of folks showing up in a place of pain or scarcity or fear, but there was a voice within them that said, nope, you got something more. And this woman with the hair has a roadmap. You know what I mean and you can go use her roadmap to get some foundational pieces underneath yourself and give yourself that next level lift.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, and, like we said, like there are so many other stories of incredible like stuff that still blows my mind, Like I think about and I think I told you this before. It's like whenever I was sitting there and I'm like, oh, chip and Joanne again started the Magnolia network, how fun is this? And then I see Aaron pop up and it's Florette and I'm like, wait, hang on one second, because my mom has wanted to start a gardening business forever and she was looking at this website, saying like, oh, if only my website could look like this. And I was like, wait, mom, what was that website that you sent me? It was Florette. It was the one that she had been admiring from afar.

Speaker 1:

And I encourage everybody, if you have not heard Erin's story, go watch it. Go listen to Marie's interview with Erin, because it's incredible that she took what she thought was going to be her flower business and now it is insanely profitable seed business, like it's totally like flipped it on its head. But I think that that's where and again I'm giving like major kudos to B-School in the way that I love the, I love a fun sheet. Oh, my gosh, like. So if you don't know what this is, y'all.

Speaker 1:

It's a PDF like guides that you get all throughout B-School, but it really cracks open your mind to think differently, like there's so much yes, there's tons of free content and you could get so much value out of. You know Marie TV and all the amazing things that she offers, but the idea that you can really just expand your mind and you remind us time and time again you've heard some of this before. Listen to it again, listen to it with fresh ears, and I think that that is the piece that really helped me. So this was no more than me just bragging again on how much I love B-School. But I mean, what is your thought process with your team and how you formulate it to really do something that AI can't do for you, or you can't just generate these ideas? Tell us how that works.

Speaker 2:

So I think one of the magic pieces of B-School is that it's not just flat content where it's just like a monologue, right, so just building out and kind of explaining more and thank you around our fun sheets, like for me as a teacher and as a coach, I'm all about how do we turn insight into action and how do we take these concepts and you're like, oh, wow, this is cool and I think we're really expert at then taking that content and helping you make it personal and applicable to your business and being able to ask those magical questions that get your mind and your heart thinking in a new way. Just like with Erin and Florette, where she thought her business was going to be one thing, but out of us supporting her and her doing the work, let's be real about it. Erin's success all Erin, right, we were just we're so happy to be a piece of her story because she started thinking, oh, what do my customers really want? And so she started asking her these questions that we helped her ask in B-School and she got a whole new set of answers which gave her a whole new vision, which gave her a whole new possibility. And then, when she started putting that insight into action.

Speaker 2:

I think she was like kind of barely scraping like six figures, about a hundred grand or so, and she's got a multimillion dollar empire that so many people love, that is beloved, and bringing joy and happiness and gardening and flowers to this global audience. And she was answering questions like oh, this is what we help you answer in Peace School Like where are my gifts? What do my people want? How do we find this sweet spot between what brings me the most joy to provide and what my market really is craving and desiring and willing and able to pay for? And there's always an overlap there. There always is. It's sometimes not super obvious and sometimes you overlook it because you're like, wait a minute, could it be that easy? Could it be that easy?

Speaker 2:

And so it takes being in an environment and a framework I think with myself, our B-School mentor coaches where we're guiding and nudging people towards possibilities, towards abundance, towards scale, in a way that matters to them and magic happens out of that process. So for our team we know and we know this is a baseline truth our students are brilliant. They have everything they need within them. They might just not yet have the educational pieces around the marketing and the business and the entrepreneurship, and how to think and how to put all this stuff together. So we know without a shadow of a doubt that all of our students are beyond capable. We just want to give them that education. We want to give them that guidance and that support to unleash what's already in them so they can get the results that they deserve.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and this is I mean go back to the educational piece. Like I've had the education quote unquote, like I had my bachelor's in business and in marketing. But then I took B school and I was like, oh, thank goodness, like Marie saved me so much money.

Speaker 2:

Cause I didn't need to get an MBA.

Speaker 1:

I didn't need to get an MBA to learn all this stuff.

Speaker 2:

Like can I tell you that young member that I was telling you about, that young native American woman who's had all of these layers of that work? She knew it was holding her back. One of the best lines that she wrote to us she said Marie, I want to go ask my college for a refund Because all of the money that she you know what I mean she's like this was 100 times more worth it, and it was a fraction of the cost. And now I'm actually doing things and we on our team we laughed at that line because we were like, of course, but it is that we have folks who take, who have MBAs and PhDs, and they're like wait a minute, wait a minute. I paid like a hundred grand or more for that thing and then this thing is actually getting me results and it's like yeah, and the reason why it's not because I'm such, I'm not such a genius.

Speaker 2:

What I am is I'm also a very challenged, scattered person. I have an ADHD brain. It's really challenging for me to focus. So I have created these tools that I'm like okay, this is based on timeless wisdom. I've tested it. I've road tested it with 80,000 people. I'm like this is the stuff that is simple, as simple as it can be, and that actually works if you get it aligned with your heart and soul and your enthusiasm, your natural essence. If you pour that in, this is going to work. So it's not that I'm such a genius, it's that I've had to create these systems and these frameworks to help myself, and they actually work. They really, really work for people across cultures, across age groups. As long as you have a big heart and you are in your business because you genuinely have a desire to provide extraordinary value to other humans, this will work for you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I see so many people in the comments. Well, first of all, I wanted to point out somebody said I wish for a college refund every day.

Speaker 2:

That's so funny, that's real talk. That's real real. That's real talk. It's like, yes, I get it.

Speaker 1:

And then there's multiple people that said I'm a B-School alumni, like, I took B-School and it changed my life, like I love B-School. So it's just a reminder, like, like I said, it's the gift for me that keeps on giving, because anytime I start feeling some of that restlessness that all of us go through as an entrepreneur, I don't go out and say I'm just going to go buy another course, I'm going to go buy another thing, like it was a few years ago that I was like oh Marie, updated B school, let me go see what's in there. So it's something that gets updated regularly, you have lifetime access to it and, like we said earlier, like there's so many bonuses that I didn't even realize I would need one day.

Speaker 1:

So it was like kind of the here's I'm going to give you step one to get started, but then here's also step one through 20, just in case you need something in the next 12 to 24 months of your business.

Speaker 2:

You know, and that's really right and that's part of what we train you to do in B-School too. It's like I don't want to just deliver on what you need now, Cause I know what you need now for most people, whether you're just starting out or your business is going, but you're like I know it could be so much better. Or we also have people who've been in business for years and they have like multimillion dollar businesses, but they hit plateau and they're like I need a fresh perspective, I need to step back and do a reset and a reboot. I know that there's a much better way I can do this. Those folks thrive in B-School too. But my point is is that when you really fall in love with your customers which I fall in love with my audience, I love y'all amazing. I'm not only thinking, okay, I can get them to this step, but then what are the challenges or the questions that are going to probably pop up once they gain momentum and stuff starts working? So we answer that question.

Speaker 2:

I do those exercises and we're like, oh, these are the kind of things and that's why, in all of our advanced trainings and our bonus trainings that every B-Schooler has access to, it's like, oh, standard operating procedures. Now it's time to kind of start to put some systems in place. Maybe you have some team members or a virtual assistant or one or two people that help you. How do you start to kind of remove some of the stress and really create solid foundations for yourself that you can have that peace and that joy and that health and that peace of mind and still do what you do best? Because life, you know life goes up and down, the world goes up and down, Our experiences go up and down and you need to kind of life proof your business, and so so many of the bonuses that we have that are kind of more advanced after we take you through the core curriculum, are designed to tackle those things that are inevitably going to come up for every business owner, so that you've always got something to go back to.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh, my gosh. And we have so, so many questions popping up in the chat, but I know that you have to run in a second, so maybe you can answer this one specific question. It says what if you don't have a?

Speaker 2:

business idea. Oh, I love this one, okay. So we got you, we got you, we got you, we got you. So I remember it was probably like maybe 10 years ago or so I started noticing a lot of folks going like, oh my gosh, I know I want to start my own business Like that is a clear yes. But either I don't know what my business should be how do I figure out the best idea? How do I know it's going to be possibly viable before I start spending this time and money and energy and trying to make it come to life? Or there's people like me, multi-passionate entrepreneurs.

Speaker 2:

For a part of my career it was hip-hop, dance and fitness and writing and spirituality. There were so many pieces. How do I pick the best idea out of the 15 things I could do? And I don't want to give any of them up. Or the folks who have an idea and they're really scared. They're really scared to move ahead because it's terrifying. You don't want to let your family down, you don't want to be embarrassed, you don't want to fail.

Speaker 2:

So we have a program in B-School that's included, you get access to immediately, called Start the Right Business, and it is a step-by-step banger of a program that helps you understand how to ask and answer the right questions, how to vet your ideas, how to test your ideas with hardly any money, so that you know beyond a shadow of a doubt which one is going to give you the best chance of success.

Speaker 2:

And I say best chance of success because nobody has a business crystal ball not me, not you, not anyone, and everything is a risk. But you can do certain things, take certain actions, run certain tests so that you as a human being feel as confident as one can feel about going for it with your best idea. And then have the language, the tools, the understanding for how to go from zero to getting yourself crawling and walking, and then B-School takes care of the rest. Then it's like you're off to the races. You got the whole point A to point B, to point C, crawling and walking, and then B-School takes care of the rest. Then it's like you're off to the races. You got the whole point A to point B, to point C, to point C. You know D following that.

Speaker 1:

And I mean, if you have like 10 ideas, like I got so much clarity, like I got zoomed in, zeroed in on that one that I was like, oh, this one, let's go, let's start here and then we'll figure it out so I can start the right business, is fantastic, marie. This has been so incredible. Thank you so much for your time, oh thanks for everyone.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, you're so good at what you do. Crystal. I just want to give you so many props as someone who gets the opportunity which is beautiful to talk to a lot of folks. You are so great. Your energy is amazing. Everyone here. Thank you so much for joining us today and we hope we get the chance to hang out with you more and work with you in B-School. We'll all be there, come on.

Speaker 1:

Come on in B-School, we'll be there, we'll be hanging out and we can't wait for everybody to check it out. So thank you so much for Marie and thank you everybody today. Have a good day. Bye, I told you I was not prepared for the end when Marie said all of those wonderful, lovely things and I just, it was just. It was magical. I know that sounds so cheesy, but it was magical to have that conversation with one of my mentors, have her say these beautiful, wonderful things and to be able to share that with you. So if you heard this whole conversation with Marie and you're interested in B-School, you want to know more about it, make sure you go to crystalprofitcom forward slash B-School to check it out while it's still available.

Speaker 1:

And if you're listening to this and you're like well, crystal, I went through B-School several school several years ago like, what does this have to do with me? I'm actually offering an alumni package for the very first time, and what this is is it gives you access to our four weeks of accountability. So we're gonna have a slack channel that's dedicated just to b schoolers so you can ask all your questions. You can send me a voice memo and I'll send you one back. You can screen share, we can send videos back and forth. It's basically having a coach in your pocket for four weeks and it is way cheaper than any of my other coaching packages. But you have to be a previous B-School member and then so you'll get coaching that way through our Slack channel. But I'm also doing business audits, so you've heard me do content audits before. It's very similar, but what we're going to do is I'm going to look at every aspect of your business that you allow me to right, like whatever you feel comfortable sharing. If you want to share, like, hey, crystal, here's my podcast stats, here's my YouTube stats, here's my email stats, my website stats.

Speaker 1:

What do I do next, or what should my next move be? Or should I, you know, look more into this lead magnet? Should I redo my website? Do I need to do something else with my podcast? Do I need to change my avatar? Like all of those things, I want to get my eyes on your business and help you figure out those next steps.

Speaker 1:

And if you join either through the regular B-School package if you've never joined before then you'll get those as well, plus a few other surprises, but if you join the alumni package, you're also guaranteed these, so you don't have to be a brand new B-Schooler. You can have already gone through the program, because I know many of you went through when I went through or you went through even before me, and I want to share these cool bonuses with you. So, again, go to crystalprofitcom forward slash B-School to check it all out, and I would love to know what you thought about today's episode. So send me a fan mail, shout out and you could get. Or send me a fan mail and you could get a fan mail shout out in an upcoming episode. And that actually reminds me.

Speaker 1:

Before we close out today, I wanna share one of our latest fan mails, because these have been so fun. I love including these here. So I'm giving a shout out to Elizabeth. So Elizabeth is in New Jersey and she sent this lovely message that just said hey, crystal, listening from New Jersey. So shout out to you, elizabeth, and thank you so much for submitting your fan mail. If you want to know how to do this, get on the audio version of wherever you're listening on Apple Spotify, wherever. Go to today's episode and at the top of the episode description you'll see where it says send Crystal a text message and that is how she did it. So thanks again, elizabeth, and for everybody else that has submitted your fan mail. I love reading these. They're so much fun, but that's all I have for you today. So, as always, remember, keep it up. We all have to start somewhere.

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