The Proffitt Podcast
Are you thinking about starting a podcast? Launching a YouTube channel? Repurposing your old blog content into something fresh? Hi, I'm Krystal - host of "The Proffitt Podcast." And I'm happy to say you've come to the right place!
Business owners and content creators dream of building a platform where they can connect deeply with their audience, and marketing feels easy. But I also know what it's like to feel confused and overwhelmed.
Join us weekly as we strip down those processes and remove all the overwhelm with new tips, simple strategies, and great conversations with creators like you. Tune in to hear how I help creators start, launch, and market their content confidently. The motto here is, "We all have to start somewhere."
The Proffitt Podcast
Building a Business That Honors Faith, Family, and Flexibility
What if you could create a business that not only thrives but also aligns with your personal values and family commitments? Join us as we welcome Kelly Roach, a celebrated business strategist who has successfully navigated the shift from corporate executive to entrepreneurial leader. Kelly opens up about her journey in establishing faith and family-first companies, sharing how her experiences, like homeschooling her daughter, have shaped her approach to business. She inspires us to rethink the traditional work-life balance and offers practical insights into building a lifestyle-focused business that prioritizes flexibility and personal fulfillment.
Consistency is key, and Kelly’s seven-year journey with the Kelly Roach Show is a testament to the power of showing up. Through anecdotes of recording amidst a jam-packed schedule, she highlights the importance of dedication in brand building. We explore the significance of aligning actions with goals and the impact of consistent podcasting on establishing a trustworthy brand. For aspiring podcasters, Kelly provides reassurance that passion for your subject will naturally drive content creation, and she stresses the importance of being a role model for others by maintaining unwavering commitment.
In our conversation, we also cover strategic branding and the evolving landscape of coaching. Kelly emphasizes the balance between relationship-building content and promotional efforts, and discusses how authenticity and live interactions are becoming crucial in 2025's coaching world. With insights into live streaming, live launching, and creating engaging audiobooks, she shares her vision for the future of coaching and podcasting. Celebrate your podcasting milestones, embrace imperfect action, and seize the unexpected opportunities that come your way as you connect with your audience in meaningful ways.
Click the "Send Krystal a Text Message" link above to send us your questions, comments, and feedback on the show! (Pssst...we'll do giveaways in upcoming episodes so make sure you leave your name & podcast title.)
Have. I got a special treat for you today. I have a guest on the show that, looking back because I've been doing a lot of reflection in 2025 on like where I started, where I'm going and kind of what this podcast has meant over the last few years and if you would have told me in 2018 that we would have had guests like Amy Porterfield, marie Forleo and Kelly Roach on the show, I would have said what are you even talking about? So I am so excited to have Kelly on the show today to talk business, to talk entrepreneurship, to talk marketing and funnel and just I mean we covered so many things that I feel like are topics we haven't covered previously on the podcast before, like how to build a business that's really centered around family and I know not everyone listening to this show has a family, or maybe you never may even want to have a family, but when I think about building a business around your lifestyle, that's really what we're after, like having that flexibility to travel or be with your parents, be with your kids or just have the opportunity to have space in your calendar to do the things that fulfill you and just make you a more round version of who you want to be in this life. I think that's where Kelly and I really aligned and we had just an incredible conversation. So if you're brand new to Kelly, you have to go check out her podcast. She has a top 1% show, which is really exciting. It's called the Kelly Roach Show, but here's a little bit more about her.
Speaker 1:Kelly Roach is a renowned business strategist and mentor who transforms overworked entrepreneurs into seven and eight figure CEOs by teaching them how to leverage timeless business principles with today's most powerful online marketing strategies. Before founding her own company, she rose through the ranks of a Fortune 500 firm to become the youngest senior vice president, leading a team of over 100 to record-breaking sales during the 2008 to 2010 economic downturn. Kelly is also a best-selling author, keynote speaker and host of the top-ranked marketing show, the Kelly Rhodes Show. She has been featured on major networks such as ABC, nbc, fox and the CW, and in leading publications including Inc, authority Magazine and Forbes. She's a big deal and this was such an incredible conversation and I hope that you enjoy my chat with Kelly.
Speaker 1:Let's get right to it. Welcome to the Profit Podcast, where we teach you how to start, launch and market your content with confidence. I'm your host, crystal Profit, and I'm so excited that you're here. Thanks for hanging out with me today, because if you've been trying to figure out the world of content creation, this is the show that will help be your time-saving shortcut. So let's get right to it, shall we All? Right, profit Podcast listeners, we have a special guest on the show today. Welcome, kelly, so happy to have you.
Speaker 2:Hi, so happy to be here.
Speaker 1:Yeah, this is super fun. So I have been a fan of yours for a long time. I've heard you know online marketing made easy, smart, passive income. You've been on some really big shows and you've shared so many different messages about confidence and strategy. I was actually watching a video that you did on your own show, the Kelly Roach show, about investing and I was like, oh my gosh, like this was so good. So I know that you cover so many different pieces of building confidence or helping people with their businesses, but can you just tell us a little bit about you and what your journey has been like?
Speaker 2:Yeah, absolutely so. I'm a business growth strategist and so I help people find the fastest, most efficient way to achieve their business growth goals. Wife and mom I've been with my husband for 18 years. I have a 10-year-old daughter. We homeschool her together. This is our first year of doing that, which has been the greatest blessing ever of our lives. It's been so incredible, such a great experience, and I started my first company in 2012. I took that business to eight figures. I built five other companies. Now I run a portfolio in the online space, and each of my companies has a different value proposition and focus and clientele and all of those things. But everything that we're focused on is how do we help people build a faith and family first business so that they can achieve their goals and dreams, while keeping what belongs first first. That's really the crux of it, and each of my companies play a different role in helping people to make their dreams come true.
Speaker 1:Oh, I love this so much and I love the family first piece of it because and that was actually when, when your team reached out to me about being on the show and that was part of the topics, it was like all these different strategies and pieces that we could talk about. And whenever it said family first businesses, I was like, oh, that's something that we've covered everything on the show and we've never really talked about. You know, from entrepreneur to entrepreneur, what that looks like, so can you just kind of tell us like where does that come from for you and why is that important to you to have that in your own business? But show others how and why that's possible.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so I'll talk about it from two perspectives. You know why it's important to me? Because I think family is the most important thing in life, right? So there's only one place that we're irreplaceable and that's at home with our family. So you know, that's really every decision that I've made.
Speaker 2:You know, in my life, even my husband and I, when we were dating, before we got married, before we had my daughter, we knew that we were never going to put her in daycare. We knew that one of us was going to be home full time. We didn't know which one of us that was going to be. We were both working corporate jobs at the time. And then, you know, when I fell in love with what I started doing in my own business and knew I wanted to continue with that, it just made sense that he was home full time. So we've had him home full time since she was born, which has been just incredible. It's given us so much spaciousness and freedom as a family and just a really calm, happy, peaceful, stress-free home environment. So I think you know just, there's not a lot of people in the position that I'm in from a business perspective, advocating for prioritizing your family and the decisions that you make about your family at the top of your list and I look at something you do on the show is helping people to keep creating and to keep building without burnout. And I think that that comes from understanding what your true priorities are in your life and then understanding how to allocate your time based on your value system and then making sure that your life is by design and that your business is built to serve that, and that's what I've spent my whole career doing. I couldn't do that the way I would have chosen to do that when I worked in a Fortune 500. And so when I started my business, that was a huge priority that I was going to design my business and design my life in this way for myself, but then also be able to teach other people.
Speaker 2:And you know, for me, I started having my daughter in my launches from a very young age. I bring her on TV appearances with me. She comes to my events. Now she's homeschooling, she sits on my coaching calls. She sits on my coaching calls, so she is just growing explosively in so many ways. But the reason why I do that not just for her but for my clients is that the majority of my clients are female leaders that want to be disruptors and change makers, innovators, visionaries, and I think that they don't have a lot of examples of women that are all in moms and also building an empire of like how to bring those two things together. So I try to strive in everything that I do for to really create an example and create a space for leaders to keep what's first first with their faith and with their families and see that that is not in conflict in terms of building a really successful business.
Speaker 2:And, in fact, the better your home life is, the easier it is to build a successful business. I will die on that hill. I just know it to be true. The more calm your home life is, the happier and more rich and fulfilling your home life is, the easier it is to perform in a business sense. So I know that was kind of a long answer to your question, but I think it's an important dialogue that isn't really being had right now, which is why I'm trying to get out and share this message. Yeah, I see the divorce rates. I see the substance abuse. I see the people that build successful businesses just to feel like they lost everything in the process because they don't have a relationship with their spouse, their kids, you know, whatever the case, and so if we want to change that, we have to talk about it, you know yeah 100% and we have a motto around here.
Speaker 1:It's like we're building our content around our lifestyle and not the other way around, like we're not trying to compromise. You know, like you got to be on Instagram 24 seven or we have to be. You know, recording something, even when you're like it's like no, no, no. Like I mean, if that's works for you, awesome, more power to you, but that doesn't work for me. You know, I have three kids and it's crazy, it's always bananas around here. Kelly and I were talking you, I have three kids and it's crazy, it's always bananas around here.
Speaker 1:Kelly and I were talking. You know, right before we started recording, I was like there was almost a blizzard in Houston. Like what in the world, how does that happen? And then the kids are home and then I'm like, okay, you take a step back and you reassess your priorities and say, okay, what's the most important thing that I need to do, you know, for my business, but also for my family, and you can do those simultaneously.
Speaker 1:So I love that you've kind of put the stake in the ground of like I'm gonna be this example to my communities and show them what's possible, because I don't think that we have enough of that, enough of people living out loud and in front of everyone of this is how I'm doing what I'm doing behind the scenes. I'm gonna bring it out in front and actually show you and tell you and not keep it so secretive. So I love that about what you're doing and the work that you have. So I want to talk about your podcast, because we are obsessed with podcasts around here. We're obsessed with origin stories. We just love the idea. So tell us a little bit. How long have you had your podcast? Tell us the name of it and the audience that you serve there.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so it's called the Kelly Roach Show and I think I'm seven years in now. I have not missed a week of recording since I started. We have, I think, 1,100 and some shows published so far and yeah, I mean mean it's been a huge part of building my brand. I I teach business, uh, but on the show not only do I teach business, strategy, mindset, spiritual growth, family life, really bringing the whole thing together like how do you create a one percent business and a one percent life, uh, and yeah, it's been an awesome experience and it's how a lot of my clients life, and yeah, it's been an awesome experience and it's how a lot of my clients find me and then end up, you know, wanting to work with me. So podcasting has been a huge part of building my brand online, for sure.
Speaker 1:Okay, well, I can tell you that somebody was just listening to this and they said what she's never missed a week in seven years. So can you talk about what is that like? Because this is something I get asked all the time from people. They're like but how do you keep showing up? Like, you know, we can say, oh, I'm going to commit to consistency, or I'm going to do this no matter what and I'm going to keep serving my audience. But can you share with us if you have any stories of like, oh my gosh, I had to record in this really obnoxious place, or I had to do something on the go? Like what's something that's happened with your journey? Like, just over the years that has, you know, almost taken you to the point of like, oh, we weren't going to be able to make it, but this is how we were able to show up. Do you have any strategies to share?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean that happens all the time. I mean, like I it's it's almost like hard to pick a certain time because I feel like that's all the time right. I mean, I think that anything that you commit to doing over a long period of time, there's going to be seasons where you feel super excited and super motivated and super connected to what you're doing, and then there's seasons where you're literally like fitting it in just under production time. Last week I missed a recording day. I had two launches already this year. It's been absolutely completely bonkers. I started homeschooling my daughter a couple months ago. Things have been crazy. My team's like we need an episode for Monday and literally I was like at my kitchen counter like 10 minutes before the deadline like getting a new episode. That happens Right.
Speaker 2:And I think the bottom line is, you know, it really is about service, and I think that, um, you know when I say about a faith and family first business, I think each of us were given really unique gifts and our, our goal is to take responsibility for stewarding those gifts. And stewarding those gifts is about being of service, it's about giving, it's about sharing, it's about showing up right, and so there's going to be some days where you're super excited because you have a message to share. You're super excited because you have something that you want to talk to the audience about, but there's also going to be days where you show up because you understand that that is the responsibility that comes with the gifts that you are here to steward, and having faith and trusting that by you showing up, your role, modeling for someone else to show up in their life and to show up in their business or, you know, whatever that looks like for them, whatever realm you help people in. So I think what I would say is that it's recognizing that it's bigger than you and recognizing that it's not always about you.
Speaker 2:And you know, champions always say, like you don't operate on emotions, based on how you're feeling. You operate based on the goals that require certain behaviors that coincide with them, and I think the degree to which you can be really, really clear on where you're going in your life, where you're going on your business and what kind of behaviors align with that, like it makes decision-making really easy. Right, I wanna be one of the top 1% podcasters in the world, and that doesn't mean showing up Sometimes. That means showing up consistently all the time, which is why I have not missed a week, and I don't intend to, because I think that's part of becoming the person that your dreams require is having that relentless pursuit of excellence in everything that you do, even when you don't feel like it right.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's fantastic. I mean, that's mic drop right Like that's just a message that we just talk about all the time here on the show. It's like making that commitment to keep showing up, you know, no matter what's happening in your life or in your journey, and the reason why is because we can always tailor it to what's going on in our life or that season of life in what we're doing. So I want to ask you a follow-up question to that, because I know that there's someone listening. Maybe they haven't started their podcast yet, maybe they've been listening to this show and they're like okay, crystal, I think that this is going to be the 2025, is going to be my year, I'm going to launch my show this year. And they're listening to you and they're like oh my gosh, you just said 1100.
Speaker 1:Like, how do you keep coming up with ideas? I know that that's their question, because people come to me and they say I'm afraid I'm gonna run out of ideas, and I've been doing this for so long. I'm like oh, but you won't. Like you have so many things to keep talking about. So do you have a strategy that you and your team follow, or what do you do to keep motivated, year after year, to keep showing up for your podcast?
Speaker 2:Yeah, absolutely Well, I mean, I think there's a natural evolution that happens as you're in business, you're always having conversations with people, so there's always new topics all the time that spark an idea, and I think it's just having a process. I know this is going to sound so simple. It's just literally having a process where you write down the ideas. Yes, literally, that's it, because if you're building a brand online, if you're serving customers, if you're engaging with your audience, new topics come up constantly and there's always an evolution in what you're doing and how you're doing it, so there's always something new to share, so you'll never run out of ideas. Maybe you're disorganized so you can't put your finger on the idea, you can't remember the idea because you didn't write it down. But that's just a matter of just having a system, keeping a Google Doc or keeping a spreadsheet or whatever the case and having lots of choices. When you sit down to record to say, oh you know, this is this is something I really feel energized around that I want to share about today.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah. And again, like I love the simplicity, like I have a Google Sheet that's still like I've been doing this forever. I like that's where everything lives and it's like, okay, something comes up or I find a great link to something, even if I don't have a fully formed idea. I just found something that's interesting. I'm like I take that link, throw it in there and then we'll revisit that again in the future when it comes down to it.
Speaker 1:But you said something earlier about having your coaching business and using your podcast to really have that top of funnel or have that ability for your potential customers or clients to get to know you, and I know that there's a lot of coaches in our audience that would love to hear kind of behind the scenes, like what do you do?
Speaker 1:Do you strategically talk about your coaching or do you have, like, let's say, sales promotions, specific times of year, because I think that they get overwhelmed with well, I don't want to be salesy in every single one of my episodes and I want to talk about my coaching or how I'm helping people, but they haven't really found that great balance. So I would just love to hear your perspective because, again, I listened to you you had this specific episode and we'll link to it. It was a 15-minute episode about investing and you're just talking about the things that you plan on investing in in 2025 and what that looks like for you, and I didn't feel like, oh my gosh, kelly's selling to me this whole time. I have to shut this off. That's never happened, but I'm just curious is that intentional for you and your team and what does that look like?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean I think you have to be really cognizant of you know, brand building is actually more valuable than selling is right, and selling is necessary in order to transact a deal and, like, get it done. So selling is essential, selling is very, very important. But brand building is actually more important than selling, because selling is transacting with one person, whereas brand building allows you to transact with hundreds, if not thousands, of people. So for me, when I think about the podcast, it's brand first, selling second, because my podcast is very focused on adding value and really building a relationship with the listener where they are naturally moving through the know, like trust process because they're getting so much value. They're gaining an understanding of how I help people. They can see clearly the demonstrated expertise.
Speaker 2:I don't have a set regimen that I follow on every single episode where it's like every episode has a promo or every episode is selling or anything like that. I do kind of operate in seasons. So if I'm getting ready for a big launch, you'll see that for five episodes in a row I'm going to promote that workshop and then, once it's open, cart, those episodes are going to mention that product. That's open right. But if I'm just in an open season, like right now I'm in a nurture season. I might say, oh, you know, like one of the episodes that I think released maybe even today I didn't check what released today, but I think even the episode that released today I gave a four-step process. I walked you through the process. I'm like this is how it can work for you. This is what we do, this is how you can do it, and here's how you can get free training on how to do it. Come register for a free workshop that I'm having. So I think you can do it on an episode by episode basis and I don't think you have to be this like super aggressive, like regimented process.
Speaker 2:I think the more organic it feels, the better. But I think you should have like a plan right. So, whether it's you're moving people from the podcast to your email list, you're moving people from the podcast to book a consultation, you're moving them into workshops, you're moving them into a specific low ticket offer and then you're gonna upsell them to the high ticket, and it doesn't need to be the same all the time. It's just like what's the strategy? Like, generally speaking, what's the strategy? And I think doing what feels authentic and what feels good for you is really important. Typically shows of my size have a lot of sponsors. I have zero sponsors. I do not want in a 15 or 20 minute episode six commercials. That is like my nightmare. I wouldn't listen to that, I wouldn't enjoy that and so I don't put that on my show right. So I think it has to be really specific and organic to the creator and it has to feel really good for you.
Speaker 1:And I think also there's an element of testing and trying different things until you see what kind of lands, right, yeah, and I love the analogy of brand building and selling, because that really, I think that what happens and so we're talking to all of you that's trying to start a podcast right now and believing that you have to start it and immediately start selling everything You're going to end up alienating a lot of people. And so what Kelly said about the brand building piece and I love what you said about the seasons right, it's like you're going to have seasons of selling, but it's likely not going to be every single episode that you put out for all you know, the entire lifetime of your podcast episode that you put out for all you know, the entire lifetime of your podcast. But at the same time, those intentional pieces really, I believe, help sustain you through your content journey, because then you're like all right, we're going to be laser focused on this one promotion. And then I had this fun idea or this great person that I met at a conference and I really want to interview them and it's just going to be fun and lighthearted and I know my audience would love behind the scenes, like there can be a dance between all that blended pieces of content and make it work.
Speaker 1:But back to Kelly's point you just have to have a strategy. You have to have a strategy. So I'm so curious do you, at the stage that you're in in your journey, do you still come up with all of your ideas on your own? Do you have a team that they kind of source some ideas and then say, hey, here's some options you can choose from. Like what does that look like for you on the production side of it?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mostly just do my own. I'm very intuitive in my process and I'm also very in tune with the market. So, like, most of the time, what I'm creating, I'm creating for a reason, if that makes sense, Like it's usually because there's conversations or energy or feedback that I'm getting a loop on that. I'm like this is where I need to show up for people right now. So I would say, 98% of the time I just do that solo. I don't even talk to my team and I'm just like here, this is what the episodes are. You know, do the, you know get them loaded.
Speaker 2:But every once in a while I will go to them and I'll just say, hey, you know what and I do this with my different companies and I'll say, hey, you know, I want to record an episode that you think will be really good for our clients in this program, Like what's a topic that would be really meaningful for them right now? Or if there's a team that's in a launch, I'll say, hey, what are you hearing from a lot of the leads in the launch? What's a topic that you feel like would really help, that they need to hear? So sometimes I'll go to them and say, like, what are you hearing from the market or what are you feeling you could really use extra support on to share with people.
Speaker 1:Okay, yeah, I think that that's helpful is just to know that across the board. It's going to be different for everybody, but thank you so much for sharing how it is for you, because I'm the same when it comes to that. It's almost like it has to be sticky. It's like I have to have some origination, even if I get some ideas. It has to be sticky in order for it to be that authentic voice and come out. Because I've tried, you know, like, oh, let me throw something into AI and see, and then I like it spit something out and I'm like, oh no, this is garbage, this is something that I wouldn't be proud of, and that's when I think people really have a hard time sustaining the show.
Speaker 2:When you get when you no longer have the personal connection to what you're doing and you don't feel personally invested in what you're creating, that's when you just feel like you're going through the motions and it feels like a chore, versus when there's a reason why you're recording each episode that you're recording and there's a purpose and you want to help someone because you saw a need. That's a completely different energy going into a recording session and so you know, I think just staying connected to what you're doing is really important. And if you need inspiration, I do. I do something about. Once every other month.
Speaker 2:I'll do a post on on Facebook and I'll just say, hey, I'm getting ready to do a big recording block for the show, send me all your requests. And I'll just say, hey, I'm getting ready to do a big recording block for the show, send me all your requests. And I'll get like tons of requests from people and I'll just read through them and I'll feel the ones that like, okay, yes, I think this would really make a difference for people. And I'll go off of that and I'll say, if you recommend a show. I'll give you a shout out in the episode which people love. So that's another fun way to kind of get your audience involved.
Speaker 1:Yeah, thank you for sharing that. I think that that is like anytime. Like if I hear my name in someone else's podcast, I'm always like oh my gosh, it's such a, it's such a silly thing. But it's like we get so excited, we turn giddy like little kids and we're just like oh my gosh, like the teacher said our name or they called on us, and I think that that's great. Well, I want to ask you another question about your show, because I know that you're an author. You've published multiple books, so do you use your podcast to kind of naturally bring it in Like, is it even one of those where you're like oh, I hadn't planned on talking about this, but we covered this whole thing. You know this section of what you're discussing in our book. How does that work for you? All the?
Speaker 2:time, yeah. So if I decide I want to talk about a topic and then I realize that I cover the topic in one of my books, then I'll like physically. Oh, that's so funny.
Speaker 1:We're getting a real-time demo.
Speaker 2:This literally happened the other day and I was like I'm going to pull out the book and so then what I'll do is I'll teach whatever I planned on teaching on the show and then, throughout the show, I'll refer them back to Amazon or Audible or whatever the case to go and get the book. Also, I just did a relaunch of one of my books. I recorded the audio book version of it. So I did a whole series on the podcast leading up to that and inviting people to get that. So a lot of people move from the podcast over to the audio book, which that's a great correlation as well. If you're an author and you have a book that you haven't done an audio book for, I really strongly recommend relaunching the book with the audio version and then leading people from the podcast to the audio book, because, if you think about it, those are already your audio listeners. Yes, they already prefer the headphones. So that's an easy way to get that deeper dive, you know, into more people's hands.
Speaker 1:Okay, I love this so much and that's so good I've I've done one audio book. How did you like that experience versus doing a podcast? How was that for you? Oh, I loved it.
Speaker 2:Actually, it's so interesting. One of the biggest pieces of feedback that I got from all the people that purchased my audio book was that it was fun to listen to. They said it sounded like a podcast instead of a boring narrator. That it's like chalk on the chalkboard, nails on the chalkboard, just like so boring you can't even listen. And I got that comment from so many people and I think that's why podcasters are the perfect people to record audio books because they're fun behind the microphone.
Speaker 2:They're used to speaking in an animated way, whereas normally when an author goes and records or you hire someone to record a book, it's like this very monotonous, boring, hard to listen to audio. That doesn't give people the experience of what you really want the tone of your book to be. That doesn't give people the experience of what you really want the tone of your book to be.
Speaker 1:Oh my gosh, like that's such a great point and it's so true. Like if I'm going to get a book and I see, like you know, there was someone else read it, like I'm immediately not as excited. I'm like, oh, like I'm sure it's still gonna be great, but is it gonna be as great as the author reading it themselves? So that's such a great point. So, everybody that if you've released a book, take Kelly's advice, go back and do the audio book, like get that going. But I wanna ask you about coaching. So coaching in 2025, like I said, I think we have a lot of coaches in our audience and I just wanna know personally like I serve kind of one-to-many I don't do a lot of one-on-one coaching and I'm just curious about just the space in general, what you see in 2025, like what is the landscape of coaching and how does that look? And what are some of the things that you and your team are thinking about whenever it comes to how you're going to show up online and in your business?
Speaker 2:Yeah, so we do do large scale high ticket coaching. One of my companies, the business advisory, is specifically high ticket coaching and consulting, so that's all that they do, and you know. So what I would say is this you know, the coaching market in and of itself has moved into the next phase of market maturity, which means that buyers are typically not novice new buyers anymore. Most of the people are going to be people that are more discerning, buyers that have already bought multiple products in the online space, and so they have a very clear picture of what they want and what they expect in a relationship for coaching. And so you know, when we look at 2025, it's going to be a very relationship-based sale. So, all those things that everyone just pushed everyone for an entire year to start using AI in their coaching business the worst thing you could possibly do right now and I know I'll get heat for that it's the worst thing you could do, because people are really only investing in brands where they meet all three criteria they like the person, they believe that they're a good person that actually has like values and integrity and expertise and all of those things. They want to have an ongoing relationship with the brand. They actually like the brand, what the brand stands for, who they are in the market, how they show up and engage with the world, the type of content that they put out and the solution. And they believe that the solution is superior and it can not only fit in the amount of time that they have, but within the budget that they have to give them the result that they want.
Speaker 2:And this was not the case a couple years ago. A couple years ago, when people were buying coaching, they were like, oh, this person teaches that thing that I want, I'm going to invest in that thing, because they wanted the result. They didn't have the experience that people have today, where they've bought so many things where the business owner was MIA, there was no support in the program, they didn't deliver on what they said that they were going to deliver on, but they were too new to know that. They didn't know to ask the right questions. Well, now people do know to ask the right questions. They have higher standards, they have higher expectations.
Speaker 2:So when you look at 2025, I say it's the year of live launching, live streaming and live shopping, and the reason I say that is we're in a trust recession and the most important thing that you could possibly do to build trust with your market is to show up and engage with them in a more raw, real and unscripted way, versus just a 30-second reel or a story or these edited pictures. All of those things are great. I'm not saying they don't play a role. I use all marketing but I think it's really going to be a year where relationships reign and I think really thinking about that is going to be super crucial for anyone that wants to have success in selling high ticket coaching.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and I love that you. You know, it's just basically live, like the aspect of having something live. And when you say live streaming, are you talking about live streaming just to sell? Talking about live stream coaching, like webinars? What exactly do you mean? All of it so?
Speaker 2:you could be teaching, you could demo a live coaching situation. You could be doing a master class, you could be doing a webinar, you could be doing an interview with someone. We could be doing this on social media. It's any long form content that gives someone the opportunity to actually spend time with you and your brand, to work through the know, like trust, buy process. Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:I love that. I love that and I think that you know, you just kind of sparked something for me. Actually, I'm like, oh, I like this idea, because there was a point, especially when a lot of the streaming platforms were coming online. It's like I think the market was flooded with people trying to figure out streaming. And what does this mean? I mean just the logistics of it, like how does this work, what buttons do I press and how do I let people in to join me, and all of those. How do I talk to my audience? I want to put the comment on the screen. It's like it's so funny.
Speaker 1:I remember back I don't know, kelly, if you remember like the days of Periscope, like before Facebook Live was even a thing, like I remember trying to figure this out. And so back to your point earlier about continuing to evolve and grow in your journey and keep trying new things and keep exploring what's working in the market. And I think for me personally, it's what makes having an online business so fun it's because it is changing. I think that really bothers a lot of people, but the content that we create around here is about content and we're like man, we just never run out of ideas to talk about and things to do. So we talked about coaching, we talked about what you're doing in your business. Is there anything else that you're really excited about in 2025, that you're looking ahead and you're already like I? Just I can't wait to be at December 31st of this year and kind of debriefing and thinking about all the things that maybe you and your team have accomplished or the things that you're working on right now.
Speaker 2:Not so much as from the sampling of an accomplishment for me, but I would say I think that there is a huge resurgence of leaders around the world that are rediscovering their faith and I'm really trying to share that message. In the market number one, number two, just from our first few launches of the year, as well as our clients, we're definitely seeing that momentum is picking up huge with live launching. So I'm really excited to see a lot of business owners fall back in love with their businesses again and have fun and make money this year. So for me, it's not so much that I have like a specific accomplishment that I'm excited to do, but I'm hopeful and excited for business owners this year to really lean into what matters most fall back in love with their businesses, grow exponentially, have fun, put what goes first first, and I'm just all in on trying to get that message out right now.
Speaker 1:Well, I think that this is the reason why you are the perfect guest to have on the show, because those are all the principles and values that we teach around here, because showing up in that exact way is what we're trying to accomplish. So this is I can't wait. I can't wait to see what you're going to be doing in your business this year and what everybody listening is going to be doing. But, kelly, we have some rapid fire questions that we like to ask all of our guests. I did not warn you about these beforehand, but these will be fun and I think that you'll add a lot of value to them. So, are you ready? I am ready, okay, so what piece of advice would you give to a brand new podcaster or content creator?
Speaker 2:Focus on sharing your gifts every single day. Behind the microphone every single day. Be behind the microphone every single day.
Speaker 1:I love that. Okay, the next one is a two-part question and it's what is the dream podcast you would love to be on and who is your dream podcast guest you would love to interview?
Speaker 2:Ooh, a dream podcast I would like to be on. Well, I will say this I do 20-minute podcast episodes. Like I'm a down and dirty, get to it kind of gal. I don't need, like these extended conversations, and Joe Rogan does three-hour shows. So I have to say I think it would be very interesting to see where a three hour conversation would go, because, like, I'm done after 20 minutes so I'm very curious of like what would happen. Where would this go, like you know? So I would say that would be a great show, you know, for that purpose to really get into some crazy conversations unexpectedly. You never know where that show is going to go?
Speaker 2:Yes, Dream podcast guest. I don't know. I mean I wish that I would have interviewed my grandparents, to be honest, before they passed. So I mean, I think if I could have anyone, it would probably be my grandfather, because they had just an incredible life story and they were my inspirations, they were my role models as far as marriage and the grandparents that they were and everything I learned about giving and being of service and life and so many things.
Speaker 1:So I would say my granddad of service and life and so many things. So I would say my granddad, oh, I love that, I love that so much and that's so special. And then my last question is do you consider yourself a perfectionist?
Speaker 2:No, I love. I am so much more focused on imperfect. I think all of my success has come from imperfect action, so there's probably some areas that I could live a little bit more of the perfectionist life in. You know what I'm saying, but being in imperfect action has served me well so far in my life.
Speaker 1:Oh, I love that so much and I love how, matter of fact, you answered. That was just no, and I think that it's it's so good, because we get a lot of people that are like, oh, like Crystal, why'd you ask this question? You know it's like either they are or they're like oh, I'm a recovering perfectionist and so I love that. Just matter of fact, no, and I think that you know it's the reason why you're able to keep showing up time after time. So I hope that everybody that's listening to this and, you know, walks away from our conversation is just keep showing up and keep sharing your journey. Do you have anything else you'd like to share? Where can everyone follow up with you and learn more about all the incredible things that you and your businesses are doing in 2025.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean, if you have a goal of growing your business exponentially in 2025, come listen to the Kelly Roach Show. It's 20 minutes, literally. It's like just getting like a shot in the arm to give you that fuel to hit it hard and make big things happen in your business and in your life. So the Kelly Roach Show is the best place to go. And, of course, you can follow me on Instagram, kelly Roach Official, Send me a DM and just say hey, I heard you on the show and I'd love to connect with you.
Speaker 1:Yes, please, actually, wherever you're listening to the podcast, take a screenshot. No-transcript. Oh, investments she's talking about investment. I want to listen to this Like what's Kelly have to share. So absolutely go check out her podcast. Kelly, thank you so much for being on the show today. This was so much fun. Thank you for having me. So, like I said in the beginning, that was such a fun chat with Kelly.
Speaker 1:I just go back to like the big key takeaways for me. Her podcast has been such a huge part of building her brand and I love that she brought that up like multiple times. It's like the podcast journey, like the podcast story, just having that around as such a great asset for her whole business. So it's just reiterating that. And then the consistency part like y'all you know, like I've been preaching consistency for a second around here. We talk about it all the time and Kelly just goes to show you having that consistent piece of content, those consistent connections with your audience, can mean all the difference. And then I think about what is really going to be the key thing. I love we talked about live launching and live streaming. Those are really cool things that I think that we can explore. What could that look like for your business. But then I also think about the imperfect action to just get out there and do it, just to do it, and then engaging with your audience and really building that trust to stay connected with them, understanding your audience's needs and, like I said, there were so many key takeaways from this.
Speaker 1:I hope that it was something that really resonated with you. I would love to know your thoughts, so take a screenshot wherever you're listening to this. Tag me, tag Kelly. Let us know what you thought about today's episode. But, at the end of the day, the most important piece of this entire conversation today was building a business, creating content around your life and the lifestyle that you want to have.
Speaker 1:I truly think that that's been one of the blessings of my entire podcast journey is looking at my business and everything we're doing from the lens of. I still get to do really cool stuff with my family, I get to do cool stuff with my kids and I get to just be there for them in ways that I wouldn't be able to otherwise, and I'm truly, truly grateful for that. So I hope that you can take that and apply it to your life in whatever capacity that means for you. But, man Kelly, this was a rock solid interview and it was so much fun. Again, it's one of those like pinch me moments, like milestones that I want to celebrate as a creator that's been doing this since 2018.
Speaker 1:And just remind you, whether it's your day one or day 100, when you're listening to this, or day 1000, whether it's your day one or day 100 when you're listening to this, or day 1000, I'm gonna encourage you to keep showing up, because you never know who you're gonna interview, who you're gonna cross paths with and what that's gonna look like for you. So make sure, if this is your first time tuning in what an incredible episode to listen to Make sure you hit that follow or subscribe button wherever you're watching and listening today. And, as always, remember, keep it up. We all have to start somewhere.